View Full Version : Big Jamaica 10/12 Canyon Report

10-14-2019, 09:02 PM
10/12 REPORT
We made an overnight Canyon tuna trip this past weekend. The water temperature was still around 73° and looked good. We caught plenty of big squid and read fish.
Shortly after anchoring we released a short swordfish.
We had a couple of other bites until:
Onesimo Cholula from Freehold, NJ hooked and landed a swordfish of 300+lbs.
We had a couple of tuna bites after that and read the fish but did not land any.
After sunrise we fished for Mahi-mahi for a couple of hours. Most people easily caught their limit of mahi-mahi up to 18 lbs.
It looks good offshore, the tuna should turn on soon. I hope to have a good report when we return on Wednesday.

For further information go to www.bigjamaica.com or call 732-528-5014.

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10-15-2019, 04:37 AM
Nice Rainbow Runner in pic #6.