Tuna Tales
10-05-2019, 05:39 PM
Mr. Max Appelman
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
1050 N. Highland St., Suite A-N
Arlington, VA 22201
The Hi-Mar Striper Club of Middletown, New Jersey, whose membership numbers 40 members, hereby conveys its position concerning the proposed Draft Addendum options to the ASMFC. The Hi-Mar Striper Club selects Sub-Option 2-A2, 1 Striped Bass at 28" -35" slot to achieve the required reductions in removals. The Hi-Mar Striper Club also endorses the voluntary use of (non-offset) Circle Hooks for fishing with bait. The selection of Sub-Option 2-A2 is based upon the information provided by ASMFC. Should other information become available that shows the required reduction may have already been achieved in 2018, we reserve the right to revise our selection. If this information does indeed show the required reduction has already been achieved, Hi-Mar Striper Club would be in favor of Option 1 - Status Quo.
Thank you for this opportunity to submit our comments.
Hi-Mar Striper Club
P.O. Box 126
Middletown, NJ 07748
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
1050 N. Highland St., Suite A-N
Arlington, VA 22201
The Hi-Mar Striper Club of Middletown, New Jersey, whose membership numbers 40 members, hereby conveys its position concerning the proposed Draft Addendum options to the ASMFC. The Hi-Mar Striper Club selects Sub-Option 2-A2, 1 Striped Bass at 28" -35" slot to achieve the required reductions in removals. The Hi-Mar Striper Club also endorses the voluntary use of (non-offset) Circle Hooks for fishing with bait. The selection of Sub-Option 2-A2 is based upon the information provided by ASMFC. Should other information become available that shows the required reduction may have already been achieved in 2018, we reserve the right to revise our selection. If this information does indeed show the required reduction has already been achieved, Hi-Mar Striper Club would be in favor of Option 1 - Status Quo.
Thank you for this opportunity to submit our comments.
Hi-Mar Striper Club
P.O. Box 126
Middletown, NJ 07748