View Full Version : Voice your concerns about the striped bass draft addendum vi

10-04-2019, 12:52 PM
As you may have heard there is a new draft addendum for striped bass regulations that would hurt fishermen up and down the coast, please read up on these proposals and VOICE YOUR CONCERN!!!!!

We could see a size increase of 35 inches
Required use of circle hooks
Losing the bonus fish program

Attached is an article regarding the Draft Addendum

Attached is the proposal that the ASMFC is working with.
http://www.asmfc.org/uploads/file/5d5abfc1StripedBassDraftAddVI_PublicComment_Aug201 9.pdf

Please voice your concerns by emailing COMMENTS@ASMFC.org by OCTOBER 6th

Here is an email that I, Capt Bob, have sent to the committee.

"Dear Mr Appelman
In regards to Striper draft addendum VI

I am representing not only my interests but the interest of our for-hire industry and the passengers that fish with us in the hopes of bringing home fish to eat. What the for-hire industry has traditionally carried is anglers that do not own a boat. Over the last twenty or thirty years, the fishing regulations have gotten so lop-sided that it is no longer feasible for many to justify spending money on -not just the fare-but the expense of travel, tolls , tackle, ice and food -and not have an opportunity to bring home dinner for family and friends.

Speaking for my business, we do not need to bring home big female striped bass. We need to allow a reasonable opportunity to bring home a couple of smaller stripers for the table.

The truth is that we are not seeing great numbers of striped bass near shore --due to beach replenishment. Beach replenishment has done a lot of damage, not just to the animals that live near the surf, but has devastated fish habitat where the sand was dredged from -what were once hills are now holes! If this practice was done in a forest, there would be public outcry.

Striper stocks are not in trouble. Striped bass have been seen, in numbers, outside of our eez, along with great pods of menhaden -where surveys for striped bass are not being considered.

The points about the beach replenishment and the large schools offshore are not anecdotal. Both can be substantiated.

At the Manahawkin meeting I heard a comment by one gentleman who submitted that redfish and snook in Florida have a slot limit size and the biomass of both these fish have been doing well. It's something that NJ should look into.

Our for-hire industry cannot lose its bonus program. From what I understand, our industry has only utilized 9% of that quota. We also do not agree with the mandatory circle hook due to the fact that we often snag bunkers and let that bait immediately back into the drift. And I do not believe that most of our patrons would know how to set the hook with a circle hooks. In the past, we have referred to non-offset circle hooks as "rubber hooks".

If we must pick our poison, I would opt for the 28 - 35 inch fish and maintain our bonus slot.

Thank you for your consideration

Robert Bogan
Owner/operator Gambler, Point Pleasant Bch, NJ
Member: Untied Boatmen, RFA, and Nafco"

To submit written comments
Max Appelman
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
1050 N. Highland St, Suite A-N
Arlington, VA 22201
703-842-0741 (FAX)

comments@asmfc.org (Subject line: Draft Addendum VI)


10-04-2019, 02:31 PM
Done. Thanks Captain.

10-05-2019, 09:21 AM
Bob thanks for reminding us about the date sent and done

Angler Paul
10-05-2019, 10:00 AM
Bob, Would you and the other party and charter boat captains support a consevarionally equivalent proposal of one fish at 28" or greater but with a closed season during the early spring when they are spawning? Paul Haertel

10-05-2019, 10:10 AM
This proposal in other states started as releasing anything over 36”
One fish between 28” and 36”.

makes no sense now to do a 180 and make the limit be fish over 35” ,

for guys wanting to say larger fish released have a higher mortality I say BULLSHIT .

More than likely those larger fish have been released a few times .
And for many years made their travel back and forth without a problem .

Targeting larger fish is not a good option .
Release those big girls to sustain the fishery and put smiles on many anglers faces.
Want fish for the table those fish between 28” and 36” are the ones to take .


10-05-2019, 03:20 PM
Bob, Would you and the other party and charter boat captains support a consevarionally equivalent proposal of one fish at 28" or greater but with a closed season during the early spring when they are spawning? Paul Haertel

Sorry Paul, but a Closed season would basically keep us at the dock until Fluke fishing. There is nothing else to fish for. For the handful of head boats that make their living doing this, do we really make that much of a difference in the Bio-Mass with what we catch and keep?

My trip reports say No way.

Capt. Ron

Angler Paul
10-05-2019, 06:55 PM
Another alternative would be to close it during the summer when the C&R mortality is high due to the warm water temperatures. There are also a lot of other species to fish for then. Would one at 28" and a closed season during July and August be acceptable to the charter and party boat Captains? I'm just trying to find a better solution than what is proposed in the addendum.

10-05-2019, 07:13 PM
The circle hook thing is BS, just say you are fishing for Bluefish.

Who is catching striped bass in NJ during July and August ??

Angler Paul
10-05-2019, 07:53 PM
I don't know but according to MRIP we are catching them during July and August.

10-06-2019, 07:39 AM
For the handful of head boats that make their living doing this, do we really make that much of a difference in the Bio-Mass with what we catch and keep?

My trip reports say No way.

Capt. Ron

Since you're asking on a public forum, my answer is yes.

Yeah, maybe your reports now because they're being overfished, but your trip reports from years ago have an impact on today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxbJt9Ozdr8

Giant breeders being gaffed x however many people on the boat x however many party and charter boats packed with people up and down the entire east coast, day after day, season after season, basically year round as they migrate. It's not a handful of boats, it's a few more than that. These fish are constantly beat on, they have constant pressure where ever they go.

Ron, although we may disagree on whether or not businesses like yours have an impact on the biomass, I think we agree on what changes need to be made and agree the bigger ones should be released? I am in favor of a 1 fish, very small slot. 28-32" or even a little smaller, they taste way better anyway. Get rid of commercial fishing altogether, i.e. Massachusetts with their 15 fish at 34"commercial limit.

Just my opinion and I am sure I'll take plenty of heat for it.

10-06-2019, 07:43 AM
Who is catching striped bass in NJ during July and August ??

People who fish at night with bunker chunks. Nothing new, but definitely not the same number of people fishing for them as april, may, june.

10-07-2019, 09:05 AM
Thanks for your comments.

The bottom line, from the way I see it, is that beach replenish and other man-made enviromental indiscretion (such as chlorine going through water treatment pipes and the steady flow of nitrates from fertilizer, and the continued building on fish estuaries) are doing way more harm to stripers and other near shore fish than any fishing activity.

It's amazingly hard to get anyone interested in the fact that underwater hills that have been fish habitat for eons are now a holes! If that was done in any forest, there would be public outcry --but, out of sight, out of mind.

There are fewer and fewer of us left. I'm not just talking about the for-hire fisherman, but across the board. And our voice keeps getting smaller.

Fisheries managment has done a great job of divide and conquer with fishermen.

We may not agree on everything but we need to come togther on the things that we DO agree on.

I'm really sick of anglers saying: "It doesn't matter what we say, they're going to do what they want anyway." --If we don't say something, we have nothing to complain about.

If you do not have the time to get involved, support a group who aligns with your intrests. And let your politicians know your concerns --and that you vote.

Gerry Zagorski
10-07-2019, 09:17 AM
Thanks for your comments.

The bottom line, from the way I see it, is that beach replenish and other man-made enviromental indiscretion (such as chlorine going through water treatment pipes and the steady flow of nitrates from fertilizer, and the continued building on fish estuaries) are doing way more harm to stripers and other near shore fish than any fishing activity.

It's amazingly hard to get anyone interested in the fact that underwater hills that have been fish habitat for eons are now a holes! If that was done in any forest, there would be public outcry --but, out of sight, out of mind.

There are fewer and fewer of us left. I'm not just talking about the for-hire fisherman, but across the board. And our voice keeps getting smaller.

Fisheries managment has done a great job of divide and conquer with fishermen.

We may not agree on everything but we need to come togther on the things that we DO agree on.

I'm really sick of anglers saying: "It doesn't matter what we say, they're going to do what they want anyway." --If we don't say something, we have nothing to complain about.

If you do not have the time to get involved, support a group who aligns with your intrests. And let your politicians know your concerns that that you vote.

AMEN... Apathy is the enemy here! Keep at it, get personally involved or join a group that best represents your interests.