View Full Version : Porgys and sea bass

10-03-2019, 10:46 AM
Launch out of rumson was wondering if anyone can share some locations either in or around sandy hook. Have a 17' sea nymph aluminnum center console with a 90 hp mariner. Can go in the ocean on reasonably nice days. Any general areas to fish would be greatly appteciated.... thanks walt

10-03-2019, 01:00 PM
you used the word "launch" so I assume your rig is on a trailer.. If I were you I would take the short ride down to belmar and launch there.. Go out the inlet and head north.. You'll see a million boats fishing the rocky bottom between Deal and Long Branch.. Some close to shore and others on the horizon several miles off shore.. There are rocky areas everywhere from 25 feet deep out to 100 foot or more, and they all hold fish at one time or another.. you may have to look around and will need a good depth finder.. Its a rough guess of course, but the rule of thumb to follow would be that the majority of boats will be fishing in the depths that hold the bigger more numerous schools of fish.. Out of Highlands many of the boats head to the Sandy Hook Reef, but personally I have always found the fishing better to the south off of long branch down to about Elberon... a 17 footer is fine as long as the weather is good, I used one in that area for years... If there advisories however, go on a head boat.... bob

10-03-2019, 01:04 PM
PM me.

10-03-2019, 02:26 PM
DO NOT go to the Sandy Hook Reef or come out of Belmar and head North in a 17ft boat this time of year!!

You can fish the ledge at the 1 can in Sandy hook bay and be safe for Christ sake! Just look for the 1/2 day Party boats.

10-03-2019, 03:18 PM
I dunno, water temp is 69 degrees, and in Oct there is much less chance of a sudden rogue thunderstorm than in summer.. I fished [still do] in 17 footers for the better part of 40 years in the ocean, and never had a problem.. Just have to watch the weather and if its rough don't go out.. Far be it from me to argue with a pro captain, but a good 17 footer with a reliable motor is perfectly fine for fall fishing inshore if used when weather conditions warrant.. There are hundreds of boats that size out there all the time inshore, and the guys in them are perfectly safe, if they use proper caution... bob

Gerry Zagorski
10-03-2019, 04:00 PM
DO NOT go to the Sandy Hook Reef or come out of Belmar and head North in a 17ft boat this time of year!!

You can fish the ledge at the 1 can in Sandy hook bay and be safe for Christ sake! Just look for the 1/2 day Party boats.

Great advice right here.... Unsettled weather this time of year is very unpredictable and it might be fine on your way out but could be hell coming back in running the inlet or crossing the Sandy Hook bay.

10-03-2019, 07:45 PM
I'm with the good capt. F that. A 17' in october is bananas. Stave off the stress and jump on the fisherman. Be comfortable and get your fish cleaned.

10-03-2019, 11:17 PM
I'm with the good capt. F that. A 17' in october is bananas. Stave off the stress and jump on the fisherman. Be comfortable and get your fish cleaned.

I guess I am the only one that ever fished the rocks in fall in a 17 footer and never felt unsafe for a second, and still run a 17 footer today for all types of inshore fishing, when the weather is reasonable.. yes you don't take a 17 or even a 19 out in east wind and 4-6,, however on nice sunny fall days with west winds?? I do it in heartbeat in a good 17 footer, as do a lot of other anglers. Guess you guys have never owned an Aquasport Osprey or ,Mako,17 or similar hulls.. I have and fall fishing was always pleasure, but hey to each his own... bob

10-03-2019, 11:47 PM
I guess I am the only one that ever fished the rocks in fall in a 17 footer and never felt unsafe for a second, and still run a 17 footer today for all types of inshore fishing, when the weather is reasonable.. yes you don't take a 17 or even a 19 out in east wind and 4-6,, however on nice sunny fall days with west winds?? I do it in heartbeat in a good 17 footer, as do a lot of other anglers. Guess you guys have never owned an Aquasport Osprey or ,Mako,17 or similar hulls.. I have and fall fishing was always pleasure, but hey to each his own... bob

I'm spoiled/fortunate to be on a 43' tiara most of the time. Taken my lumps on smaller rides in the bay and ocean. Not saying it's not doable but you really gotta cherry pick your days this time of year.

10-04-2019, 10:28 PM
What kind of transom? Is it full height? If so you’ll be fine as long as you are running light

10-05-2019, 11:13 AM
You will really need the perfect day for this to work. I used to take my 16 ft with twin 15 hp to the Ambrose channel. Be very carful and wear your life jackets all the time. Even with a life jacket, Hypothermia will get you quickly in these water temps. My advice...Buy a larger boat.

10-05-2019, 12:50 PM
Hey no limit, yes have full transom with well.