View Full Version : Beginners Luck

09-29-2019, 08:46 PM
My cousins took me out over the weekend. 1st time fishing on a boat...
Cruised around the ocean near the Manasquan inlet and we all had a great time!

My younger cousin caught a bunch of blues and I caught a nice bonito on my 1st cast!

Didn't have a scale but it had some nice weight to it.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/GOSzI7Q-CpVBYrD82k-y5c3cAJdAO4Jqp4B_BvbWl0ir7KYOgtZwwoKZFj_-urq31b7qFKgHuFyhGa4Qwz4VJgC8lxVmoS9N9zSUb7t8CBytfs QQKwzsAi87VIC4a0Hox8oqRMioM11_2T42aehQM64bvTBt2v22 gWeo-a6Vx2yD5RUEborpVLuVjYK0gegNdqbSTqwbloEzxnlExaQdy1V JaSWMw8janCepN9GUXS4n7vl8A0OcYBHAEk3CuvggZqxOIRl6b khA3jnMJZiJ1yXH3tOfD5fdLiAPLQH9sBLiaX6aYqGl9ona4RQ ywd8CnQReFaytjYDDOBbdJ1_8pZkErURb1zNdOyTbYjTjNLuZc DDkJVfaKYk2uBaYK_5JVmROgBGrBX-8iCZnUGWk0gQbMG834OneKwTyGQZuwG-fBBtApg2XA638s5tKFw7fSVgzS_iF3NMrltAhEmQM9DIirKDOE fvocjxbTD6ogLAr-gvOJno_6svXxY0FR7ZPcpcziPGBnerINGry9VmVoCndqBljfZ8 4J58zOIkmUgFkyLds77ZZf8CZwhhkyhCm0MNxSzDLb5OsAgiFs TaHcl2klSySoNd41dlmhaA_3U9QSpICln25Etgn53wuP0slmK7 i-JzGMe7rulDvQ4VSMG5APhfDx5PGzh-iCl12zqCirxbxOTR3iGk=w1034-h1378-no

Aquaman 29
09-29-2019, 08:52 PM
That is a false albacore not a Bonita

09-29-2019, 08:58 PM
That is a false albacore not a Bonita

Thx - Guess you can tell that I'm new to fishing.
Still learning and I appreciate the help!

Learning a lot on this forum.

09-30-2019, 12:42 AM
That is a false albacore not a Bonita

Unless you are from Florida.........It's a bonito down there.

Unless you are a former Star Ledger saltwater editor..........then, you would both be wrong.........It would be called a little tunny.

Masi, Does it matter what it's called? Did you have a good time? Will you be back? You'll keep getting better. There will be some lean times, but keep at it. It's when the need for "catching" overcomes the chance to have fun that you should take up a sport like horseshoes.

Pennsy Guy
09-30-2019, 08:29 PM

09-30-2019, 09:50 PM
Bonita aka six letter sizzler!