View Full Version : First Gambler 36hr tuna

Pennsy Guy
09-27-2019, 10:09 AM
trip has just finished with mixed reviews...Limits of dorado BUT the tuna have left the building. Capt. Bob took us to the Hudson stopping @ scallopers with birds working to no avail--nobody home. Then did some pot-hopping where each held Mahi-mahi & then on to the west wall in 68* crystal-clear blue water setting up on a drift in beautiful shirt-sleeve weather in 2' seas on larger long period swells. When it was time, ran to our spot for the night and dropped the hook. Only action was a short hungry Mako that took 3 hook-baits in rapid succession & was gone. Later a run-off of a big blue dog which left with 2 hooks. Boat swing increased towards morning with wind-current conflict so we started a 9-line troll with no knock-downs. Found 72* water on the east wall and after an action-less drift, hit 3 more pots for Mahi. Then we made 3-4 drifts over a wreck at the Hudson tip picking up a 15-20# Purple hake. On the way in, stopped @ a couple more pots, topping off the Mahi catch with all onboard, I think, catching their limit. Finally, stopped behind more scallopers still with no joy. Ride home was rough heading into a quartering sea and wind 'til 18-16 mls out where it lay down. As always Capt. Bob, 2nd Capt. Greg & mates Jill, Todd & Chris were at their best performing their duties and keeping all entertained.
Hopefully, the tuna will show up soon. Next week, next week I can only hope.

Capt. Debbie
09-27-2019, 10:25 AM
The boat cant make fish be there. But the boat can try like hell to find them. Sounds like they did exactly that.

John D.
09-27-2019, 10:36 AM
Have heard some monster yft around but all on the troll and the NE canyons are crushing them. That water should slide down. Maybe others more in the know can chime in. Surprised you guys didn’t get any swords as the bite has been excellent this year.

shrimpman steve
09-27-2019, 11:49 AM
No tuna but sounds like a good trip. Sounds lake Capt did everything he could but no fish means no fish. But all caught other species and all made it home unhurt! Sounds like a successful trip to me!

09-27-2019, 12:18 PM
Nice report great effort.

36 hours and no tuna.....chunk bite has been a major disappointment last few years.

Pennsy Guy
09-27-2019, 01:03 PM
Nice report great effort.

36 hours and no tuna.....chunk bite has been a major disappointment last few years.

True Duffman...just hope it's not a repeat of last year...one swordie hooked & lost-dude was using a 4/0 hook & wouldn't change...oh well.....I thought about it, but didn't due to certain circumstances...had to be there to understand...maybe next trip.

09-27-2019, 01:07 PM
Gonna have to change your trip headline to First Gambler 36hr mahi. I give the anglers credit booking these types of trips knowing what your stepping into.

From their FB report:
"I spoke to commercial guys that reported longline boats are catching lots of tuna near the Canadian border.

Another party boat had tried Block canyon and reportedly only caught one tuna for a 48hr trip.

Another party boat was at Wilmington canyon a few days ago and released 4 white marlin and caught a swordfish and some mahi while drifting

Capt Bob has ears and eyes all over the place and if he gets some reliable information, I will be very interested to check it out."

09-27-2019, 02:36 PM
Appreciate if you could post some pic's

09-27-2019, 02:59 PM
Damn Chucky, that’s tough to read. I was really hoping you guys could hook a few nice tuna. I know you had a rough season last year so hopefully things can turn around. I really wanted to get out this year but not sure I’ll make it. Just got back from the 1.5 Day out of San Diego and our trip was the worst trip for the entire month on that particular boat.

I’ll be following the reports and hope to see one from you that brings back a few memories of those 2 epic trips we had a few years back!

Tight Lines (SOON!!!)


09-27-2019, 04:23 PM
East of the hudson past the tails has been better from my sources. BIG yellows are being caught and very large bigeyes. Saw one pushing 300 recently. Also being told the swords have been active out that way as well as shots at wahoo. Again, mostly on the troll.

09-27-2019, 05:04 PM
What year was the last solid tuna chunk season? I know every trip isn’t a home run but asking about a solid shot of yft’s from sept to Halloween ?

For me personally I can’t recall a killer PB chunking trip since 2013.

The NJF tuna trips in the late 2000’s were outright ridiculous.

09-27-2019, 08:26 PM
Seems like the norm now, maybe a few good trips per season but the majority of it is gonna stink, just glad I sold all my tuna stuff !

John D.
09-27-2019, 09:24 PM
East of the hudson past the tails has been better from my sources. BIG yellows are being caught and very large bigeyes. Saw one pushing 300 recently. Also being told the swords have been active out that way as well as shots at wahoo. Again, mostly on the troll.

That’s like a 1.5 day slide of water if it’s moving down the edge. Didn’t think the action was as close as the tails. If the water is sliding down the line, and they are where I understand them to be (much further east than the Tails) I say it turns on big time by mid week. Squid are thick in the Hudson and the Yft are huge this year. Some legit 100#+ fish in the mix.

Pennsy Guy
09-27-2019, 11:10 PM
Damn Chucky, that’s tough to read. I was really hoping you guys could hook a few nice tuna. I know you had a rough season last year so hopefully things can turn around. I really wanted to get out this year but not sure I’ll make it. Just got back from the 1.5 Day out of San Diego and our trip was the worst trip for the entire month on that particular boat.

I’ll be following the reports and hope to see one from you that brings back a few memories of those 2 epic trips we had a few years back!

Tight Lines (SOON!!!)


Hi Mark, We did a 4 day out of SD several years ago...trip before ours was a record haul.. ours was a disappointment--worst the Capt. had seen in several years. Yea, we got lft, bluefin & yellowtail but no yft. North wind turned the water over putting cold on top...
I can only hope this year is not a repeat of last year. Only way it can get worse is if the Mahi leave or there's not enough guys to make the trip. So far the 36's have enough to go. Catch you later, hopefully with a good report.

09-28-2019, 06:59 PM
Save your money and go for Porgies.:)

09-28-2019, 09:33 PM
Save your money and go for Porgies.:)

AndyS- You seem thrifty(nice word for cheap)...
Are you still paying for those 2 things in your profile pic???

Pennsy Guy
09-30-2019, 08:33 PM
Save your money and go for Porgies.:)

Andy, I dislike Porgy's much more than the yellow eyes...

Meat Hunter
10-01-2019, 08:15 AM
I think the party boat chunk bite is off with all the squid.

Sea Bass soon. Tog soon. Off couch soon.

Meat Hunter

10-01-2019, 08:33 AM
What year was the last solid tuna chunk season? I know every trip isn’t a home run but asking about a solid shot of yft’s from sept to Halloween ?

For me personally I can’t recall a killer PB chunking trip since 2013.

The NJF tuna trips in the late 2000’s were outright ridiculous.

I had a couple really good trips in 2016, but 2017 got me only 1 tuna and 2018 was a wash-out.

10-01-2019, 10:50 AM
My spidey senses indicate good things are coming...

Pennsy Guy
10-01-2019, 02:18 PM
Was pumped for tomorrow's 36 but the weather/wind...….Only one year did I make all six booked trips---a few years jumped on un booked trips after getting blown out...Oh well, such is life!

Looking forward the 10/9 36.

Charlie Tuna
10-01-2019, 02:50 PM
Was hoping the forecast would relax some but no such luck.
See you next week hopefully Chucky

Meat Hunter
10-02-2019, 08:56 PM