View Full Version : Mini Montauk vaca

shrimpman steve
09-26-2019, 11:15 AM
As mentioned, my son surprised me with a striper/biscuit charter out in Montauk
Doug the chimney man picked me up at Newark Saturday AM and off to the promised land we were. Got there in time to get Johnny tomatoes and go meet Capt Jamie of the miss Montauk as he came in. Johnny and Doug were quite surprised to see vintastic walking off the boat. First time all of us have been together in too many years. By now my son has joined us and we were ready for our charter the following morning.

Walter, my old boss and Jake chartered the my joy for strippers and sea bass. The striper fishing started out slow but picked up when we started dragging Montauk tubes. At that point slobs started comin over the rails. Biggest on the boat was 48. Jake got a 40 pounder. Then it was off to bottom fish off of block. The biscuit fishing was nothing short of phenomenal with 4 pounders comin over the rails constantly. Back to the dock by 2. Took the fish to the star island grill and had an unbelievable meal. Jake and Doug headed home and I stayed with Johnny hoping to fish another day with the miss Montauk but the wind kept us in. Stayed in Montauk til Wednesday then flew home right from Islip Long Island. Best trip ever. The time spent with my son and close friends was priceless!!

Thank you Jake. Don’t know how your gonna out do this one next year!!
Thanks also to Doug, Johnny, Vinnie, Capt Jamie Walter and everyone else that made this a great couple of days.

Also can’t forget Jill for her part in all of this. She’s the best.

Gerry Zagorski
09-26-2019, 11:44 AM
What a great trip Shrimpy and with Chimney and Vintastic!!

Happy Birthday!!

ALS Mako
09-26-2019, 06:35 PM
Was waiting for your report. Too bad you didn't get out on monday but atleast you got one day in. Glad to see you had a good time with friends and family.

09-26-2019, 07:53 PM
Wow - a Vinntastic sighting and actual photo :eek: Jake the prawn is now a jumbo Shrimp. Happy Bday Steve.

shrimpman steve
09-26-2019, 09:29 PM
Thank you guys. Great trip great company
Next trip will have to be to jersey to see all of you NJ MANIACS

09-27-2019, 12:20 PM
Man o man some names I haven’t read about in a long time!!!!

Nice report! Hope all is well Steve.

09-27-2019, 01:09 PM
sounds like a great bday!

09-27-2019, 04:46 PM
Great gesture by jake and Jill. You are blessed. Nice to see Vintastic still fishing. Was he just up there by chance or a scheduled participant in the B day bash.
Guess Johnny Tomatoes still doesnt develop in pictures:p. Did Doug have to wash the boat when you got in?
great crew and Happy B day

shrimpman steve
09-27-2019, 10:08 PM
Man o man some names I haven’t read about in a long time!!!!

Nice report! Hope all is well Steve.

All is good. I miss my BH fishing friends but finally love what I do for a living. Drive airboats four days a week and then have three days off. It ain’t bad:D

shrimpman steve
09-27-2019, 10:09 PM
Wow - a Vinntastic sighting and actual photo :eek: Jake the prawn is now a jumbo Shrimp. Happy Bday Steve.

Next time we have to add you to the list!!!