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View Full Version : Big Jamaica 9/24 Report

09-24-2019, 06:30 PM
9/24/19 REPORT
Bonito - Albacore - Bluefin - Mahi-mahi - Etc. Specials
Another Very Good Day Today - Tuesday

Fishing was very good today. We caught Bonito, Albacore, blue fish, Spanish mackerel, and king mackerel.

Jigging was by far the best method and good number of fish were also caught on bait.
Catches varied again today with some doing fair and others doing excellent. today the epoxy jigs with either white or pink or both colors in them where the best. Some days blue or green work better but, today it was the white or pink.
We have been chumming, and we do have spearing and chunk baits on board.
The pool winner was:
Sam Florea from Reading PA with a 9 lb Albacore.

For reservations and information go to www.bigjamaica.com or call 732-528-5014

Space is limited on our trips and you can book online at the Jamaica website www.bigjamaica.com.
Go to the calendar and click on the trip you want.