View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Sundays Very Good Bite

09-22-2019, 03:22 PM
FISHERMEN/Sundays Very Good Bite

Another Very good day on the Porgy grounds with an all day bite. Jumbo Porgies right now, some of the largest I have ever seen in our area.

Nice to have action from start to finish and only have to hit one drop.

Hope the Sea Bass we are tossing back every day stick around for awhile, this couple week closer is BS. Fishing everyday open boat, weather looks great come on down and get some. Fishing the Ocean.

Capt. Ron

09-22-2019, 03:23 PM

09-22-2019, 04:56 PM
FISHERMEN/Sundays Very Good Bite

Hope the Sea Bass we are tossing back every day stick around for awhile, this couple week closer is BS. Capt. Ron

I agree with you 100%. With the rebuilt stocks and then some there should be at least a 2-3 fish limit on black sea bass now.

They are very good at taking it away but not very good at giving it back even after the numbers are above goals. I am willing to quit fishing for a species if need be to replenish the stock but, when they are unwilling to let us fish a healthy fishery I call that total Bullshit!

09-22-2019, 06:39 PM
Good fishing today. If it wasnt over 12 inches today, it wasn't worth opening the cooler.