Andreas Toy
09-20-2019, 10:24 PM
Had First timer Jesse on board with daughter
Stella. Left the dock at 3pm and told him we
Had limited time before dark. Original plan was
To head north along the beach and look for inshore
pelagics and maybe anchor for bottom fish. When I
Asked her what she wanted she said mahi! Wth?!
Looked at her Dad and co Captain Mat and went for it!
Got to the grounds and Stella was freaking watching
Them swim around the pots. Few minutes later she
made a perfect cast and had the first nice mahi on the gaff
Landed a bunch more with her dad getting the biggest of the day!
What a fulfilling day for me to give this family this experience!
Stella. Left the dock at 3pm and told him we
Had limited time before dark. Original plan was
To head north along the beach and look for inshore
pelagics and maybe anchor for bottom fish. When I
Asked her what she wanted she said mahi! Wth?!
Looked at her Dad and co Captain Mat and went for it!
Got to the grounds and Stella was freaking watching
Them swim around the pots. Few minutes later she
made a perfect cast and had the first nice mahi on the gaff
Landed a bunch more with her dad getting the biggest of the day!
What a fulfilling day for me to give this family this experience!