View Full Version : New Blackfish Conventional Rods

Kevin Bogan
09-17-2019, 03:49 PM
Tog season is upon us! In addition to our classic Medium Heavy conventional E-glass rods (left,) we are now offering Medium Heavy conventional composite rods (right) that have all the power needed to do the job, but in a slimmer and lighter package. Guaranteed to become one of your favorite rods. You'll likely start using it for everything. Come check it out!

Man Workin
09-20-2019, 10:35 AM
Nice rods Kevin, the girls have been hittin em on their Girl Workin rods down in the P.P canal. Keep up the good work.

09-25-2019, 08:26 PM
I hear you make a MH+ Tog rod with cork grip also. What are the specs on that rod? Does this rod come in a composite form or just fiberglass?

Kevin Bogan
09-30-2019, 08:52 AM
I hear you make a MH+ Tog rod with cork grip also. What are the specs on that rod? Does this rod come in a composite form or just fiberglass?

We build MH+ in fiberglass or composite. Cork is a $35 option. On MH+ it is only available for the composite blank rods.

Kevin Bogan
09-30-2019, 08:53 AM
Nice rods Kevin, the girls have been hittin em on their Girl Workin rods down in the P.P canal. Keep up the good work.

Thanks! Glad to hear they like the rods.