09-13-2019, 05:14 PM
To: Max Appelman
Mr. Appelman,
Capt. Ron Santee of the Party Boat Fishermen, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, here.
Myself and several other Captains were at the Meeting last night in Mantaloken to discuss the Draft Addendum VI. All of us are in agreement that there seems to be no consideration for the Party Boats and our business. It seemed most if not all from the private sector, fishing clubs and even some Charter boats were on board with a 35 inch fish.
After listening to many of the comments, one in particular that mentioned making Raritan & Sandy Hook Bay a Sanctuary or even a moratorium on Striped Bass, I couldn't think straight to address anyone!! So I decided it best to send you a letter and express my concerns.
Back in early 2000, can't recall the year, we had 3 fish, One at 28-34, one at 34+ and a slot fish at 24 to just under 28 inches. At that time the 34 and overs were all big egg carrying females. Everyday I would educate my customers on how it was the right thing to do to toss the breeders back. I actually had a Kodak Printable camera where I would take the customers picture, release the Big females and encourage them to keep the smaller, better eating fish. Believe it or not I only had ONE customer that entire season ask if it was OK to keep a 36 inch fish only because it was the first Bass he ever caught. Of course I said yes but the point is, I spent everyday trying to protect these fish while encouraging people to think about the future.
How do you think it makes me feel or how does it make me look now, if we are forced to kill 35 inch breeding females? Not to mention the fact that we rarely see these fish on the Head boats anymore. Most of the bigger bass are caught trolling. The mortality rate has to be unreal just from the stress alone.
I'm assuming there is no consideration for economic impact when it comes to the Party boat fleet. A 35 inch fish in the Spring with nothing else to target would decimate an already struggling industry. We certainly don't have the numbers compared to the private sector to change anything so we will basically be thrown into another Oh well situation. A situation I'm afraid we will not recover from.
I have had nothing but respect for the Fishery and have educated my customers the same my entire career. I am on the board of the Save the Summer Flounder Fishery, my vessel was involved in both sexing studies on Summer Flounder the past several years.
Another very important fact that was brought up at the meeting was the Migration of Striped bass through the EEZ.....There currently is Zero Data on this even though countless Captains have mentioned the acres of fish that migrate this area Nov-December. How can you make a decision that will affect the lives of Hard working people with out all the data? Once again we are told "It's the best Science" available.
So for my personal impute I'd like to see one 24-32 inch fish for the Party Boats. If we have to change the bonus program to do so, then so be it but we at least need something that will give our customers hope of going home with a meal for the effort and it just might keep us in business for another year.
Thank you,
Capt. Ron Santee/Fishermen
Mr. Appelman,
Capt. Ron Santee of the Party Boat Fishermen, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, here.
Myself and several other Captains were at the Meeting last night in Mantaloken to discuss the Draft Addendum VI. All of us are in agreement that there seems to be no consideration for the Party Boats and our business. It seemed most if not all from the private sector, fishing clubs and even some Charter boats were on board with a 35 inch fish.
After listening to many of the comments, one in particular that mentioned making Raritan & Sandy Hook Bay a Sanctuary or even a moratorium on Striped Bass, I couldn't think straight to address anyone!! So I decided it best to send you a letter and express my concerns.
Back in early 2000, can't recall the year, we had 3 fish, One at 28-34, one at 34+ and a slot fish at 24 to just under 28 inches. At that time the 34 and overs were all big egg carrying females. Everyday I would educate my customers on how it was the right thing to do to toss the breeders back. I actually had a Kodak Printable camera where I would take the customers picture, release the Big females and encourage them to keep the smaller, better eating fish. Believe it or not I only had ONE customer that entire season ask if it was OK to keep a 36 inch fish only because it was the first Bass he ever caught. Of course I said yes but the point is, I spent everyday trying to protect these fish while encouraging people to think about the future.
How do you think it makes me feel or how does it make me look now, if we are forced to kill 35 inch breeding females? Not to mention the fact that we rarely see these fish on the Head boats anymore. Most of the bigger bass are caught trolling. The mortality rate has to be unreal just from the stress alone.
I'm assuming there is no consideration for economic impact when it comes to the Party boat fleet. A 35 inch fish in the Spring with nothing else to target would decimate an already struggling industry. We certainly don't have the numbers compared to the private sector to change anything so we will basically be thrown into another Oh well situation. A situation I'm afraid we will not recover from.
I have had nothing but respect for the Fishery and have educated my customers the same my entire career. I am on the board of the Save the Summer Flounder Fishery, my vessel was involved in both sexing studies on Summer Flounder the past several years.
Another very important fact that was brought up at the meeting was the Migration of Striped bass through the EEZ.....There currently is Zero Data on this even though countless Captains have mentioned the acres of fish that migrate this area Nov-December. How can you make a decision that will affect the lives of Hard working people with out all the data? Once again we are told "It's the best Science" available.
So for my personal impute I'd like to see one 24-32 inch fish for the Party Boats. If we have to change the bonus program to do so, then so be it but we at least need something that will give our customers hope of going home with a meal for the effort and it just might keep us in business for another year.
Thank you,
Capt. Ron Santee/Fishermen