View Full Version : Looking for small boat

09-11-2019, 02:49 PM
My good friend Krishna has a big event for his church this Sunday in Woodbridge at this banquet hall on lake in Woodbridge. Finding a boat for this church event is crucial. They would be happy to pay as they only need it for a few hours prior to the banquet that starts at 4 pm this Sunday Sept 15. They need it from around 1-3 or 1-4 pm
Let me know if you can help them out. Enclosed is flyer for their event with location. Let me know ASAP as they need to find something quickly so that is why he reached out to me so do not want to let him down as he is a great friend and is always doing stuff to help others.

Please call me directly if you have or no of someone who has small boat that can be used or place where he can rent one
