View Full Version : Shark river fishing?

09-11-2019, 06:00 AM
I am thinking about taking my little 14 footer down for a day, and fishing Shark River.. Some years around this time, there are tons of Blowfish, Kings, nice size snapper blues etc in the river to catch.. Other years not much except a few short fluke making their way out, and maybe a small snapper or two.. Wondering if its worth trailering the boat down there, or is the river slow?.. I would appreciate some decent intel. Kindly PM, if you would prefer not posting publicly.... bob

09-11-2019, 07:54 AM
still alot of fluke in the river (all shorts for me) and small bluefish between 10 to 20 inches. guys togging the other day were picking up a few blowfish. i would anchor with a chum pot and you shouldn't have any:) problem catching a variety of fish.

Capt. Debbie
09-12-2019, 10:38 AM
I have a boat in there for 5 years. If I had a trailerable boat and wanted to fish..... that SHARK RIVER would be the LAST place I went.

Better off in Manasquan, Barnie, Raritan Bay & River, Shrewsbury/Navesink. Even the Kill Van Cull.

Just my two cents. Low tide its largely an unfishable mud flats in the back river west of Rte 35 Bridge. The only spot barely worth a rat's a*s is by the party boats & the tennis courts in Belmar. Neptune and Shark River Hills are not even a poor rating.

09-12-2019, 02:05 PM
I have a boat in there for 5 years. If I had a trailerable boat and wanted to fish..... that SHARK RIVER would be the LAST place I went.

Better off in Manasquan, Barnie, Raritan Bay & River, Shrewsbury/Navesink. Even the Kill Van Cull.

Just my two cents. Low tide its largely an unfishable mud flats in the back river west of Rte 35 Bridge. The only spot barely worth a rat's a*s is by the party boats & the tennis courts in Belmar. Neptune and Shark River Hills are not even a poor rating.

Understood.. In the past I have done well there, right in the stretch between the bridges and the inlet.. However its been a few years now, and things change thats why i am asking.

I have a very tough old 14 Grumman with a 28 HP [remote steer], and an equally tough Grumman 17 CC w/ 70 that would do fine in raritan bay and around the hook down to he rocks, but the 14 is so much lighter to tow, better on gas and easier to deal with and launch alone, that I would prefer to use it on the long tow i have . I can use the 14 in the bay, i have done so before, but if its a choppy windy day, I'll get my ass kicked, and so am a bit leary. Raritan bay is closer as well... I know guys get get porgies/blowfish kings etc in the raritan bay, but its been many years since I lived there, and i am no longer sure where to go that would be within an easy ride of the ramp in a small boat... Officers row perhaps?... bob

09-12-2019, 02:47 PM
If your looking for snappers and other pan fish,you might want to consider the Keyport municipal ramp... Be forewarned it is a tough go at low tide, very little water. There is usually plenty of life in the channels there to the left and by the sailboats. Short ride and its protected. Have not been there personally in a few months, but I am sure someone else could weigh in.... Had an amazing day there a few years ago with my boys. Had a 5 gallon bucket of frozen clam bellies, along with fresh spearing and did very well.... Snappers, small weakies, fluke, spot and a short striper... Drop and real... Again, not always like that, but it might be worth checking it out. There is also Wagners marina and Keyport marine, which are just a little furthr up, but I am not sure what access they offer and for how much.

09-12-2019, 05:40 PM
If your looking for snappers and other pan fish,you might want to consider the Keyport municipal ramp... Be forewarned it is a tough go at low tide, very little water. There is usually plenty of life in the channels there to the left and by the sailboats. Short ride and its protected. Have not been there personally in a few months, but I am sure someone else could weigh in.... Had an amazing day there a few years ago with my boys. Had a 5 gallon bucket of frozen clam bellies, along with fresh spearing and did very well.... Snappers, small weakies, fluke, spot and a short striper... Drop and real... Again, not always like that, but it might be worth checking it out. There is also Wagners marina and Keyport marine, which are just a little furthr up, but I am not sure what access they offer and for how much.

Yes familiar with the area, as I lived in Union Beach back in the 80s... Used to catch buckets of fish right near the old burned down Keansburg Pier before the new one was put up.. Thats a good thought actually... Its closer yet than AH ramp.. I need almost no water to launch the 14 footer.. Up here we have good water depth and good ramps but I never even get the trailer wet.. I put the tires in about 2-3 inches, and thats it.. Never even wet the hubs.. Haven't had to grease a bearing in years.. Thats why i like the smaller boat on long tows.. much easier to deal with.. Thanks for the suggestion.. Its a good one, I knew the area well a long time ago, and as you said, there can be some nice light tackle fishing there.. bob

09-12-2019, 06:28 PM
Let me know how you make out.... Good Luck