View Full Version : Manasquan Inlet Last 3 Days

09-09-2019, 06:29 PM
Saturday: Took a ride over to the inlet to see what the conditions were like. Inlet had a some leftover swell and it looked bouncy at the mouth. Water was green with some patches of brown ‘river water’ as well as having suspended sand and weeds. Saw 3 keeper fluke caught to 21”s in a 15 minute span. Also saw a good amount of shorts-with most being 17”s +. All the shorts were chunky.

Sunday: I was able to to get in about 90 minutes of fishing. Clarity somewhat improved and no brown ‘river water”. Not as weedy. Caught 3 short yet fat 17.5” fluke.

Monday: Jason accompanied me. Water quality showed a little more improvement in clarity but still weedy (although that might be due to the fact that we fished the last few hours of the outgoing tide). I caught 7 fluke, 2 of which were a hair over 18”s (both released). One of my shorts was 1/8” short. Jason caught 8-all chunky shorts with most 17”+. 5 of his shorts came during low water slack when he decided to free line a killie. In addition, we combined to catch @ 2 dozen ‘pin’ sea bass. Jason also caught an over grown snapper. All our fish (including mine on Sunday fell for live killies).

All 3 days I observed mullet pods swimming west.

#JustBendTheRod #FishingForFun

09-10-2019, 10:51 PM
Caught, tagged and released 5 blues Monday evening and caught and released a blowfish this evening on a metal and teaser rig at dog beach. Saw fish chasing bait.