View Full Version : Nice day for a boat ride

09-09-2019, 12:39 PM
With a great forecast on tap, went fishing with our fearless leader and Sven of the Hook yesterday. It was overcast and a bit choppy around the bay. We f(l)uked around for a couple of hours catching shorts before heading out for some pot hopping. Seas got water ski flat and the sun was shining at the Mud hole. Water wasn't blue, but it was clear. Saw lots of mahi. I tried the live bunker we netted, they didn't want it. Sven did all the catching with his crippled herring (4 chickens). I switched to the herring but mine must have been handicapped. Gerry dropped a nicer bull at the boat. We stopped on the way home for some more fluke drops. No life found there. We'll get 'em next time! :rolleyes: