View Full Version : Mahi beat down

09-01-2019, 11:09 PM
Went out for an overnight trip for mahi shark etc. on Friday through Saturday. Didnt like the forecasted 10-15 with 20 knot gusts but we went anyway. We paid for it too with 3 out of 4 guys chumming overboard. Nasty ocean and 20 knot winds all night. Started around monster ledge and worked out to the chicken eventually picking 2-3 mahi off of many pots. Got 40. 4 man limit. Chickens up to bulls. Many caught on mackerel, sardines, and a lot on garlic ring bologna. No sharks overnight. Trolled in the next day for tuna with no readings or fish.

Gerry Zagorski
09-02-2019, 05:28 AM
Wow you guys really toughed it out...Garlic Ring Bologna, huh??

09-02-2019, 09:39 AM
Yea it was crazy. Nasty oceans. And yes garlic ring bologna.

Gerry Zagorski
09-02-2019, 11:27 AM
Nice bulls there Tog!!

09-02-2019, 07:18 PM
Nice mahi, sucks blowin' chunks tho !!

09-04-2019, 08:14 AM
Nice fish man.