View Full Version : True or False?

Kevin Bogan
08-28-2019, 10:41 AM
:)Hey Skipper. Where can you get a good Blackfish Jig rod? No, not the ones that don't have grips, or those cheap guides that break all the time. A rod that will last for 20 years, MADE IN AMERICA, designed to catch big fish, the best hardware, the best epoxy coating?
:cool: Pretty simple. Get a FISH POISON rod. They use those ultra light, ultra sensitive K blanks, composites, with "RING LOCK" guides, and actually have great fore and aft grips.
:confused: What's with all those rods coming out of China? $150, $250 on up. The worst hardware ever? How do people fall for that stuff?
:cool: Look at the track record. Fish Poison rods have caught more teenage tog, 20+ lbrs. than all other rods. These are quite simply the facts. Get down to Kevin Bogan's tackle in Point Beach, right on the 'Squan River, and see all the photos of guys holding their "Slippery Slobs". That's right , more BIG BLACKFISH than all other rods. IN STOCK!!!!
:o Think they might help me catch more fish?
:cool:You cant miss with a Kevin Bogan custom rod!!!! Fish Poison rules the Mighty Atlantic!;)