View Full Version : 11 Year Brick Kid - Cast for Cancer Fund Raiser

Gerry Zagorski
08-26-2019, 05:40 AM
One of our sponsors www.eyesonfirstave.com brought this to our attention... I just love this sort of stuff and hope others will support Daniel and this great cause...

Daniel Golembiewski an 11 year old from Brick is planning a Cast for Cancer fundraiser in October. He came up with the idea all on his own and is working hard to make the event happen. He's planning a kids fishing derby where the kids will use pink line, bait and bobbers to catch fish.

The kids will ask for sponsors to make donations for each fish they catch the day of the event. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society. We have reached out to a few fishing locations to see if they will host the fundraiser. Someone has volunteered to design shirts. Daniel is looking for help and support to make his mission happen.

You can find out more and donate here https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/cast-for-cancer/staceygolembiewski

Cast for Cancer! Please email staceygolembiewski@gmail.com with any help, suggestions or support.

08-26-2019, 07:00 PM
Great to see a kid take this initiative. Will reach out and help where possible.
Thanks for posting Gerry. I had posted and was impressed about a similar movement happening in Florida by another young man. Glad to see its happening in other places. Its also on my radar with RFA-NJ .

shrimpman steve
08-27-2019, 05:23 PM
Kids like this make me think that maybe there is a future for humanity!