View Full Version : Massive catch

08-21-2019, 08:45 AM
Massive catch – 500-pound shark caught off coast of New Jersey
Pat Salvo, Joe "Proline" and Frank Pomponio had an awesome day sharking today. They managed to bring in this 510# Thresher after what they said was a grueling 3 hour plus fight. Congratulations guys....one hell of a fish.

John D.
08-21-2019, 09:28 AM
Impressive and dangerous catch from a boat of that size given the tail on the thresher. Got a chuckle out of the pic where they are holding the threshers jaws open in the classic “shark pose” pic. If you have seen the jaws on a thresher, you will understand the chuckle.

shrimpman steve
08-21-2019, 11:22 AM
Didn’t see the pic but they do have small “jaws”
Congratulations on a great catch

08-21-2019, 11:27 AM
Big girl for sure. It's all over NJ.com, etc. Certainly a dangerous sized whiptail to deal with boatside. When they're that big I'm a fan of parting the line and watching her swim away. Give me a #150-200 class thresher any day of the week for the grill. Otherwise, go make me some more threshers big girls LoL...

Irish Jigger
08-21-2019, 12:25 PM

08-21-2019, 07:07 PM
Was fortunate enough to fish on a buddies boat a few years ago , 25 foot Grady.... Being a newbee to shark fishing I was not impressed with the fight (250 lb.) or the quality of the meat from a thresher.... Regardless, a fish of that size is an accomplishment..... I believe Billy Borgman ( ex mate from the Mad Gaffer ) won a tourney with a Thresher over 1000 lbs. about 7 years ago... Congrats on an amazing catch.

08-26-2019, 11:40 AM
are you going to eat it.....:eek: