View Full Version : CompTime Charters.. WEEKEND FLUKE REPORT!!!

CompTime Charters
08-13-2019, 06:24 AM
The CompTime ran Sat, Sun and Monday!!

Saturdays the crew entered the Friendly Sons Tournament and although we had plenty of fish, we did not land that one monster needed to win the day!! Nice keepers came over the rails to 4 lbs. A great day and lots of laughs.

Sunday was lights out fishing with a limit in only 2.5 hours of fishing. When they decided to chew, we had steady keeper fish coming over the rails.

Mondays charter was a different story!!!
LOCKJAW!!! The fish were there, but light hits and they needed to be finessed. Short strikes and most never returned for a meal. We didn't have the dedicated big the flatties like prior days.
We had a some keepers with a good amount of short action.

Give us a call!!! The good fluke fishing with end before you know it.