View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Very Good Sunday Fishing

08-11-2019, 04:15 PM
FISHERMEN/Very Good Sunday Fishing

Certainly one of the Top ten days of the season both Weather wise & the Fishing today!
Perfect drift all day and once we got the line on the fish, it was game on with a few guys catching their 3 and several others with 2 along with plenty of Big Sea Bass. Some of the largest Sea Bass of the season.

Rob & John lead the way with 3 beauties and their catch of Sea Bass. June Benson had the Big one at 7.4 pounds but the pool fish went to the customer who travelled 3 hours with his sons from Pottstown, PA. Fish went 5.2 pounds.

Steady action on every drift despite the traffic out there. Weather looks great all week, Thunderstorms maybe for the afternoon on Tuesday, but we will be in by then!!

Back at it tomorrow.
Capt. Ron

08-11-2019, 04:32 PM
Nice report Captain. Hopefully the fishing Gods continue to smile upon you.

08-12-2019, 05:20 AM
Nice report Captain. Hopefully the fishing Gods continue to smile upon you.

Thank you, I just hope the Fishing Gods are messing with us!:)