View Full Version : Anyone seen hoards of bunker?

08-05-2019, 11:23 AM
I go through about 500-600 bunker a year fishing for blue catfish down in Virginia. Getting way to pricey at $2 for a fresh bunk and went through my log and the vacuum frozen stuff works just as well. Bought a deep freezer and gonna stock it for my fall and spring trips. Was looking to launch my 14-foot Sea Nymph tomorrow night as I have some free time and am going down on Sat, have a 25hp and was wondering if anyone has seen big schools of bunks on top where I don't have to screw with my boat in too big of water. If anyone can let me know it'd be greatly appreciated. PM me of course if you don't want to give up a locales. A public launch nearby would be kinda key. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.

08-05-2019, 11:30 AM
Sent you a pm

08-05-2019, 12:25 PM
Thanks Duffman I should be all set.

08-05-2019, 12:48 PM
I go through about 500-600 bunker a year fishing for blue catfish down in Virginia. Getting way to pricey at $2 for a fresh bunk and went through my log and the vacuum frozen stuff works just as well. Bought a deep freezer and gonna stock it for my fall and spring trips. Was looking to launch my 14-foot Sea Nymph tomorrow night as I have some free time and am going down on Sat, have a 25hp and was wondering if anyone has seen big schools of bunks on top where I don't have to screw with my boat in too big of water. If anyone can let me know it'd be greatly appreciated. PM me of course if you don't want to give up a locales. A public launch nearby would be kinda key. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.

Last I was out a few weeks ago in the ocean within 1 -3 miles they were all over the place. In three marinas I checked in the highlands area, every one was loaded with bunker ranging from peanuts, to mediums to some large adults. If you know how to throw a cast net, you should be able to stock up as many as you want. If you're looking more for adult size and larger chunks, ocean and snag rigs and maybe even in the bay around Sandy Hook.

Good luck with the blues, great fishery down there. With the amount of bunker that's been around, I'd never buy if you have a boat or throw net at $2 a fish especially since you're using them dead.

08-05-2019, 01:37 PM
There everywhere, all the marinas from. Monmouth beach out to the Atlantic Highlands. Millions, Stevie Wonder could load up.

08-05-2019, 02:03 PM
Ha ha thanks guys much appreciated. Yeah from what I hear I should be able to load-up pretty quick. I go through 50 bunker in about 8 hours of fishing down there. The bite is insane. Just went down for first time last August, have made about 6 trips and have a couple dozen fish over 25lbs. maybe 10 in the 30's, a 38, a 43 a 46 and one that pinned my 50lb scale (have since bought a bigger scale.) It's addictive, always wondering when that 60 or 70 or possibly bigger is gonna chomp.