View Full Version : MUSHIN 8/2-3 Canyon Overnight & Bluefin

Mushin Sportfishing
08-05-2019, 07:00 AM
MUSHIN - 8/2-3 Canyon Overnighter/Bluefin - we had Mark O’s group including Jimmy, Tommy, and Church plus Bryan and Shelly for a run to the local canyons! Based on the time of day, we blew past the midrange grounds to the canyon and went straight to pot hopping and caught some quality Mahi on light spinning gear. A half hour of tilefishing gave the guys a sample of Tiles, then trolled 3 for 4 YFT with a nice 60# during the evening. Ran inshore to the BFT grounds and went 2 for 6 on Overs all on jigs, including this 54” for the table.136101




Kevin Bogan
08-10-2019, 10:29 AM
Hearing more and more about good sized mahi. We’ve got the best mahi flies ready to go. You can tie them off a dropper on a spinning rod or whip them out on a fly rod.