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View Full Version : I have to ge this off my chest

08-04-2019, 12:16 PM
Yesterday I went out on one of the Atlantic Highlands boat . I witnessed not once but twice one of the fisherman cut and fillet a small , possibly 12 inch fluke to make bait strips out if it . This guy is a Regular and everyone knew him and the captain knew him very well . I know they get special treatment but breaking the rules that everyone else has to follow and are set in place because of guys like this really irritate me .

C'mon, if you can't fish and jig like the rest of us , then don't resort to breaking the rules to try and one up everyone .. The only saving grace was he had not one Keeper despite his efforts.
I will not mention his name or the captain's name but show some respect Capt and tell this guy to follow the rules .

08-04-2019, 12:54 PM
I was on a charter in Belmar with a very well known Capt. And he himself cut up short fluke to make strips

08-04-2019, 01:36 PM
Would be nice to have an undercover co officer on board to dole out some fines

Fishin Dude
08-04-2019, 02:03 PM

If it bothers you that much.

08-04-2019, 02:27 PM
I have to be honest, and I realize this will be an unpopular opinion, but I could not care less if someone cuts one for some fluke belly. Hopefully it would be one that was gut hooked or otherwise not in good condition to release.

Just curious, did either of you guys that witnessed this say anything to the captains, mates or the guy cutting it up?

08-04-2019, 02:56 PM
I'm not looking to rat him out or else I would say his name and the captain's name and the boats name..

I simply shot him a dirty look and spoke to the guy next to me and tell him how it sucks some guys have to be scumbags and not follow rules .I know he heard me ...

Point is like the previous person commented , people are watching and eventually someone will indeed report you . Is it worth it ? That remains to be said .
Oh and btw both mates and the captain were buddy buddy with this guy hugging and high fiving .I already know the levels of allowable shit someone can get away with just by seeing these actions ...its just sad ...

I tell you what , I'm sure the Captain and this guy know I'm talking about them .

08-04-2019, 04:01 PM
In responce to rc's comment, why don't we just have anarchy and let everyone do as they please and see how that work out.

Capt Sal
08-04-2019, 04:07 PM
Yesterday I went out on one of the Atlantic Highlands boat . I witnessed not once but twice one of the fisherman cut and fillet a small , possibly 12 inch fluke to make bait strips out if it . This guy is a Regular and everyone knew him and the captain knew him very well . I know they get special treatment but breaking the rules that everyone else has to follow and are set in place because of guys like this really irritate me .

C'mon, if you can't fish and jig like the rest of us , then don't resort to breaking the rules to try and one up everyone .. The only saving grace was he had not one Keeper despite his efforts.
I will not mention his name or the captain's name but show some respect Capt and tell this guy to follow the rules .

Nothing compared to bycatch of draggers.

08-04-2019, 04:40 PM
I’m a real rules follower, but I have to agree with Capt Sal on this one. Every last bit of ire you have should really be directed towards the commercials. It’s pretty much a zero sum game and it’s them vs everyone else that likes to catch fish. One day the boat and tackle manufacturers will realize this. It might be too late at that point. Until then, support the RFA.

08-04-2019, 04:54 PM
You can jig. You must be cool

Good for you.

08-04-2019, 05:16 PM
When they get caught, the commercial sector will use it against us. Increasing the rec mortality and adding to their trip limit.....a 40% increase next year too ?

08-04-2019, 07:01 PM
Why is it all about keepers or bringing meat home? If your in it for the meat go to the market. I’ve released many “keepers” this year. I enjoy our ocean and others should too. Respect the waters and the fish. This guy cutting up fish for the belly should have his belly cut and used for shark bait. The capt shouldn’t be allowing this. Post the captains name that is allowing this! Everyone should know who the scumbag is.

Meat Hunter
08-04-2019, 07:08 PM
Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. Unless the guy starts fishing on top of you because you're catching fish, I'd let it go and let him be his own damnation. Stay focused, on your own A-game. Like the guy said, the draggers are destroying the population.

Meat Hunter

08-04-2019, 07:20 PM
When did fluke "evolve" ? Now it's certain colors of plastic and rubber on certain days. Years ago you caught all the fluke you wanted on a dead spearing and a strip of squid. What makes fluke belly such a great bait ?

08-04-2019, 07:28 PM
Report it.


08-04-2019, 07:39 PM
. This guy cutting up fish for the belly should have his belly cut and used for shark bait.


08-04-2019, 07:45 PM
Buy your own boat. Richard Cranium.

The Hunter
08-04-2019, 09:38 PM
I agree, simply report it. Why does everyone always bring up something else (in this case the trawlers as an excuse for breaking a law/rule?) One has nothing to do with the other and doesn't make it right. Rules are for a reason, follow them or don't play. Too many people make excuses as why they do something wrong or illegal.

08-05-2019, 09:27 AM
We keep beating around the bush.
The issue is we are forced to kill a dwindling number of breeders and it’s time to take action. Release anything under 16 and over 18

Keep two or three for the table

08-05-2019, 10:29 AM
I don't believe the recreational sector is a cause for concern in fisheries management. as a group We come nowhere near what the commercial sector kills every year. I have no facts to back this up but come on. Me in my boat catch a few fluke for a day on the water or the commercial fleet dragging miles of bottom and killing everything down there. It is my belief that the commercials should be required to keep everything they catch. Eliminate bycatch. I have seen dead fish floating everywhere out there after the cull their nets. With that said. What are you guys whining about. Some clown on a party boat keep an undersize fish. Get a life guys. When I burn 25 gallons of fuel and $50.00 dollars for bait and ice, I will keep WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT. If the commercials can't make a living, too bad. Maybe they should have studied harder in school. My 2 cents

Blind Archer
08-05-2019, 10:30 AM
A gut hooked short is crab food or it can be something useful. All of you youngins that are appalled at using belly for bait don't remember when that was the bait of choice. You should be more concerned with killing off all the breeders as a method to restore the stock.

Capt. Debbie
08-05-2019, 10:53 AM
Agreed. If you are that bothered by that... grow a set and do something at that time and day on that boat/ one that dock.

Not post here hoping someone should do it for you.

Yes illegal sh*t happens. Wring your hands and complain to everyone who will listen on how upset you are yet did little to nothing OR have fish game officer on speed dial and call them on the water- I DO.

Even just shooting pictures of these people cutting up shorts will FREAK THEM OUT!


If it bothers you that much.

Capt. Debbie
08-05-2019, 10:56 AM
Right... do worry about what's in front of you instead pay attention to others who are not there, blame them and then justify it. Great advice.. LMAO

A gut hooked short is crab food or it can be something useful. All of you youngins that are appalled at using belly for bait don't remember when that was the bait of choice. You should be more concerned with killing off all the breeders as a method to restore the stock.

08-05-2019, 12:36 PM
Capt. Frank's answer is perfect take a few pics or even better video !

08-05-2019, 01:31 PM
Agreed. If you are that bothered by that... grow a set and do something at that time and day on that boat/ one that dock.

Not post here hoping someone should do it for you.

Yes illegal sh*t happens. Wring your hands and complain to everyone who will listen on how upset you are yet did little to nothing OR have fish game officer on speed dial and call them on the water- I DO.

Even just shooting pictures of these people cutting up shorts will FREAK THEM OUT!
What good can possibly come out of getting into a confrontation on a boat at sea with what the OP described as one of the captain and mate's ol' cronies? Nothing. You'll solve nothing in the moment, and only open yourself up to a poor remainder of the trip. I don't see the issue with pointing out what happened here. Sounds to me like the people defending the perp would do the same kind of thing.

bunker dunker
08-05-2019, 02:45 PM
its been going on for years and as long as there are flukers it will continue.mind
what is yours and stop sweating the small stuff.

08-05-2019, 03:31 PM
Dear let's go fishing: Best and smartest way to register your complaint is just pick another boat for your next outing.

08-05-2019, 07:00 PM
I’ve seen it happen plenty of time, I’ve seen mates turn a blind eye to people throwing short fluke and sea bass in a cooler. I have also seen some captains and mates berate a customer for keeping short or over limit fish. Goes both ways.

I get more disgusted when I see people killing fish they clearly aren’t going to eat. As a kid going out on those summer night bluefish trips were great to only see drunk “fishermen” throw a burlap bag of blues into a garbage can. And now that fishery doesn’t exist anymore. Go figure.


08-05-2019, 08:08 PM
The bitch of it is that there're only 2 choices: do something or don't.
Reporting the guy is doing something. Anything less is doing nothing.

Actually it get's worse I'm afraid:
shaking your head and not reporting is basically the same as endorsing
the behavior. I'm not saying that reporting this is easy (I don't envy
you), I'm saying that you have to do it. Best of luck.

08-05-2019, 09:48 PM
I dunno... I have hooked plenty of fluke over the years that were bleeding profusely from the gills... They just back in to die on the bottom.. I personally might have done the same thing with a fish like that, which had no chance of survival.. probably not the best idea on a party boat in sight of dozens of others.. A mouth hooked fish, that is viable should certainly not be cut up for bait, but lots of guys do it..

I guess it depends on the situation, but yeah, not a good look in front of lots of other guys..... bob

Gerry Zagorski
08-05-2019, 09:58 PM
This post went exactly where I thought it would go so I’m closing it down for further comments.