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07-28-2019, 04:43 PM
FISHERMEN/Sundays Fishing Report

With the conditions we had today, it's a miracle we caught anything!

Started out with a swell from the East, a West wind blowing against the roll and a southerly current from Hell, all while drifting to the NORTH against the tide, Go figure! Needed at least 10 ounces to hold bottom.

Everyone worked hard to get it done and by days end Mark Struck had his limit, June Benson landed a beauty at 7.4 pounds, Rob took the daily pool with a beauty 4.12 pound Fluke, John landed a 4 pound fish along with several other nice keepers around the boat. The Sea bass didn't cooperate today, we did catch a few but nothing like yesterday.

Weather looks great all week, we will be back at it tomorrow!
Capt. Ron