07-28-2019, 09:01 AM
Does anyone know which species of mackerel is being commonly caught by the party boats the past few summers?.. I have seen some on these pages call them Chub mackerel, but I always thought Chub mackerel were quite small usually 9-10 inches or so, and some of the pics i see here show nice 14-15 inch fish..
Could these fish be Mackerel Scad?.. Those look a lot like Mackerel, but are actually Jacks related to Blue Runners and other jacks, and supposedly don't hit lures real well, preferring bait..
I recall years ago catching Tinkers which I have seen written as an alternate name for Chub Mackerel, but those were caught in cold water alongside big Boston mackerel, and I always thought they were just juveniles of that species..
I don't recall a summer fishery years ago for many smaller mackerel types, inshore, mainly Bonito,False Albacore, and a very few Spanish mackerel here and there.. The summer fishing has changed, and I guess I haven't kept up with what is actually out there these days... bob
Could these fish be Mackerel Scad?.. Those look a lot like Mackerel, but are actually Jacks related to Blue Runners and other jacks, and supposedly don't hit lures real well, preferring bait..
I recall years ago catching Tinkers which I have seen written as an alternate name for Chub Mackerel, but those were caught in cold water alongside big Boston mackerel, and I always thought they were just juveniles of that species..
I don't recall a summer fishery years ago for many smaller mackerel types, inshore, mainly Bonito,False Albacore, and a very few Spanish mackerel here and there.. The summer fishing has changed, and I guess I haven't kept up with what is actually out there these days... bob