View Full Version : Surf King Fish Ocean City NJ

07-20-2019, 03:32 PM
Went down last week for Family Vacation and fished the surf Mon - Thurs AM
You can fish the surf there all day but I enjoy the sunrise and for a few hours after. Got lucky with incoming all week early am and calm SW winds with clear water,.
Brought my lightest fluke rod setup although small in stature for the surf I like it for King fish. Fishing was Good!
I started off with fish bites but a nice gentleman told me they dont work anymore in OC. Being stubborn and thats all I had I gave it my shot.

Monday AM: while he outfished me 12 to 1 I beached and released 6

Tuesday AM I didnt get to the shop for real bloods so again fish bites and beached and released 5. He gave me A worm and got 6 more on very small pcs of worm

Wed AM : I got the real bloods including a dozen for my new "friend" but he didnt show that morning. Went down to 2 oz sinker vs 3 and lights out every cast . beached and released over 30 fish in 2 hrs. As the weight came over the sand bar and dropped they were there 10 yards off the sand.

Thurs AM: Storms came in Wed night and by this am surf was rough and weed ( the worst kind with those little weed knots that you had to pick off the braid) but still managed a dozen.

Most were small and a few biggers but since I released all it didnt matter.

Nice surf fishing and dont kill your pocket book on gear as you already have it. Total cost 30 bucks for rigs, weight and bloods. I took my St Croix 2 pc set up for Blues etc but never used it, Also this was not put it in the spike fishing you had to hold the rod to get the bite.

07-20-2019, 11:29 PM
Cool !

07-21-2019, 11:30 AM
Nice report. They were in here good 2 weeks ago ( Bradley Beach ) but with the influx of some colder water over that time frame they have been scarce as of late. Been using small pieces of salted clam and sand fleas. Great eats for sure.

07-21-2019, 11:43 AM
I think I'm going to try for them this year. I heard they are tasty. I was thinking of trying sand fleas for bait. Thanks for the report.

07-21-2019, 12:20 PM
Any sort of meat bait combined with Fishbites will get them easily. Small piece of clam, squid, anything and topped with a 1/2" cut of Fishbites. Can catch upwards of 50 if they are around in numbers.

07-21-2019, 12:40 PM
Sounds like you enjoyed yourself, thanks for the report sir.

07-21-2019, 12:47 PM
Dave great report, sounds like you had a good start to your days on vacation. Nothing like fishing the surf on a calm day with a beautiful sunrise, piece of heaven! Good to see king fish around in good numbers, great fish to introduce kids to the sport with.

07-23-2019, 08:23 AM
LBI surf is alive.

Was there with a buddy sunday caught 15 short bluefish
20 kings and at least 10 short fluke

all in 2-3 hours

Mike K
07-23-2019, 02:56 PM
I'm lucky to be able to spend my weekends in Ocean City and it's been a sensational year for the Kingfish, but did you notice from your pictures that one of your fish was a Southern Kingfish (aka Whiting)? It's been about a 50/50 mix of Southern and Northern Kings. In my estimation, the Southern Kings hit a little harder but the Northern taste a little better. Glad you had a great time.