View Full Version : Rock bottom weekend fluke

07-14-2019, 08:23 PM
Weekend fluke report:

Saturday we had don Kathy George George Sharkey and Beatriz. Day started off with little life but able to pluck some keepers. Bounced around a bit and by the afternoon the short life turned on and we finally had some decent action. Had to work hard for them but ended the day with 11 keepers with a few ling, Beatriz had her limit plus a 5.8lber and George had a 5.3lber.

Sunday was a much different story. Had out mikes group and fishing was very slow. Not much life anywhere we went. A few shorts here and there, some bites but nothing crazy. Managed a couple keepers with a few ling and a few seabass.

Be sure to check the open boat page for some upcoming openings

07-15-2019, 08:26 AM
WTG gdubya. Squirrel karma :)

07-15-2019, 11:12 AM
Thanks Larry even a blind squirrel finds a couple of nuts and thanks to Captain Ron who is relentless at finding the fishies

Well it was a beautiful day with optimal fluking conditions just about all day.Morning was west , 3-8, 5-10 and afternoon turned S/SW 5-10 , the morning was the best bite of the day

I used a 1, 2 and 3 oz high/ low - glow/white spro's all day long and adjusted accordingly throughout the day, pink, chartreuse , nuclear chicken and white gulp did the best

Great fishing with Mike Don and B once again and Mary you can definitely hold your own . George how the hell can the Capt. allow 2 guys named George on the boat at once? its a 2fer when he yells positive words of encouragement and helpful fishing technics and its just easier to make fun of 2 guys at once

Capt. Ron put on a show catching all sorts of wonderful species throughout the day and even landed a couple of flukies n the process well played sir well played

Guys and gals give the Rock Bottom a shot , Capt fights hard all day long and doesn't watch the clock unless your name is George

BTW when you miss a fish/bounce em / lose em its called "You George'd It" - :eek: , also I can set a rock better than Capt. Ron but he is still the Sea Robin master # I hate myself for loving you ?"""""= :D

It was great to get out and just fish once again on a great day , wish the catching was a little better but capt. and crew made up for that.Get out when you can go fishing and have some fun

Catchum Up


Fin Reaper
07-15-2019, 09:18 PM
Nice job Georgie!