07-14-2019, 11:45 AM
I hit the cong last nite to see if the waldos wanted to play. I got out there early to fish for lmb in the pads with plastic worms and found the pads to be a challenge i did get two bass but it was tough the biggest bass was 15" and the other a dink at 12.5". switched up to a roadrunner in some deeper water to see if any crappies were home and no luck just 3 perch. just before it started to get dark i put a swimming image on and got a 17" slime dart. when it got dark i went to the trusty spittin image and waited to see if the herring would start their routine.. they started to dance around 11:00pm and at 12:30pm i got a 22" hybrid. the walleyes were there but could not land one they were hitting short of my lure and at one point i think i had one on but it came unbuttoned in the weeds:mad: the HAB seems to be more present in some areas of the lake then others. the spot i fished did not seem to have that much of it. lets hope this dissipates soon as i do not like the fact that you" SHOULD NOT EAT" the fish from the lake now. i have been fishing the lake since the DEP warnings were posted and have not had any problems with skin or respiratory related issues. if you go out just use precautions and be aware that it can be harmful. i left the lake at 2:00am and the herring were still doing their thing. for now it is still going on.