View Full Version : Ladies Catch of the Day Fishing Tournament 7/13

Angler Paul
07-05-2019, 11:39 PM

The Women’s Club of the Forked River Tuna Club will host the 26th Annual Ladies Catch of the Day Fishing Tournament on Saturday July 13, 2019.
Celebrating years of tradition and great fishing, the Women’s Division offers cash prizes for fluke, as well as a fun ‘junk fish’ category. Special Mermaid Division for young ladies 12 and younger will award prizes for fluke and crabs.
A mandatory Angler’s Meeting will be held on Friday July 12th at 7PM at the Forked River Tuna Club, 18 Bay Avenue, Forked River; refreshments available. All rules and regulations will be reviewed. Tournament day begins at 7AM and runs until 4PM. Awards and dinner will begin at 6PM on Saturday July 13th at the Tuna Club. Great door prizes, giveaways and raffle prizes! Tickets for a special drawing for a $1000 Shop Rite Gift Card are on sale now and the winning ticket will be drawn at the Awards Picnic.
More information, registration forms, rules and regulations available at forkedrivertunaclub.com. For more information call 609.618.2925.
The Ladies Catch of the Day Tournament was established as a means to empower women and girls of all ages to get involved in fishing and to raise awareness of the natural resources in Ocean County. As the tradition continued, the tournament has also become a fundraising event for the Forked River Tuna Club Scholarship Fund. The scholarship assists college-bound high school seniors who will pursue their studies in marine and environmental sciences. Over the years the Forked River Tuna Club has presented over $50,000 to deserving recipients.