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View Full Version : Andreas Toy Oscar Carillo Shakedown Cruise on his 43 Boston Whaler Outrage

Andreas Toy
06-30-2019, 12:03 PM
Oscar has been fishing with me offshore for 10 years.
Today I had the pleasure of helping him on his shakedown
Cruise, even better surprise his wife Carmen was able to join
Us with her best friend Angie. Had the Havana Club rum flowing
And salsa blasting. Took a quick hour ride to the bluefin grounds
At lunchtime,put in the Chatter sidetracker lemon/lime bar in and
Had our first bluefin in the box within 15 minutes of getting to the
Grounds. Let the ladies take video of the whales and dolphins and
Took quick sprint back to the dock before the storms hit. Congratulations
To Oscar and his family and many years of good times on the boat!
Look forward to placing in some tournaments this summer!

06-30-2019, 12:37 PM
That's an insanely nice boat. Awesome ice breaker shakedown trip with rum and sashimi!

You mention chatter bars. I was out fri/sat offshore. We ran 2 36" chatter sidetrackers and had them BOTH break, losing a teaser half to each bar after getting hit by 20" yellowfin. Once we pulled the bars into the boat the other side of each bar slid outta the middle bird leaving the middle bird and stinger line intact.

The metal bars snapped inside the main bird...somerhing I've never experienced. One teaser arm fell off each and the other stayed until pulled onto the deck. Brand new At $184 a bar I sure I hope they stand by their products and offer either a refund or new set and some.

Have you ever had this issue before with them? I ask bc I see you drag them on your offshore ventures. Thanks.

Andreas Toy
06-30-2019, 02:43 PM
Hey Jigman, Justin will absolute stand behind his product
Guaranteed, if any issues you call me directly! Tell him
we spoke.

06-30-2019, 02:48 PM
Good to know. Thanks man! The 19" bars had no issues. Just the two 36s.