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View Full Version : Saturday Fluke

Foul Hook
06-30-2019, 09:29 AM
Saturdays fluke trip wasn't great but didn't suck either. We fished up by Shewsbury rocks , Red church area and the Sea Girt Reef, all with limited success. We were picking away at shorts when the breeze came up but other wise it was sit and spin. We had action with a variety of species including a 4 ft silver eel, robins and a big stargazer all in 35 to 60 feet of water. No spot produced more than another. Ended the day with three no measure keepers biggest went to 5lbs. Good day on the water.

06-30-2019, 09:38 AM
Great report. Thanks for the report. Nice flatty

07-01-2019, 07:54 PM
Damn thats a big ass Gazer!!!

Gerry Zagorski
07-02-2019, 06:56 PM
Way to go Tony!!

shrimpman steve
07-02-2019, 07:34 PM
Nice report tony but please put a shirt on next time :D

Miss ya buddy

07-03-2019, 08:01 AM
good work Gardy... How's she running?