View Full Version : Fishermen/rfa charter saturday

06-29-2019, 04:00 PM

Had Dave & the whole crew of legends out with us today on the RFA Charter.
Slugged away all day on shorts with some nice keepers in the mix.

Conditions once again were crap as we never got the 15 MPH wind they talked about. Most of the action was in the shallow water.

We did try a couple drifts off in the deep on some good bottom, caught a couple fish but again, the conditions just killed it. Naturally at the end of the day we started to move with a little breeze and the bite did get better.

Nice day on the water for an awesome group of guys, Thank you for the Support and Tom, Thank you for that killer sloppy joe sandwich, it brought back memories and put a smile on my face!

Open boat tomorrow, last shot at the Monthly pool $1500....6.5 is the one to beat. See you in the AM.
Capt. Ron

Fin Reaper
06-29-2019, 05:03 PM
Great job today Capt Ron. Boat and crew were perfect as always!

HUGE Thanks to Dales and Company for doing all the hard work so freeloaders like me can just show up and enjoy the day.....AGAIN. These trips are always a lot of fun and it’s a great group to fish with..... yes, even Gdubya.

P.S. Happy Birthday Larry!

06-30-2019, 07:10 AM
Beautiful (hot) day on the water with a great bunch of guys and a great crew. Watched Jeff squared put on a clinic in the bow again, guys know their fluking! Dan's casts generate so much torque his G-Loomis turned into a two piece on one! Quick Chase, Fast Eddie's son, was a trooper and stood tall with the rest of the crew putting most of us to shame. Nice to see kids being introduced into the sport in this day and age. Chase seems a little on the shy side, Eddie you really need him to open up a bit:eek:! Everyone in our party had an awesome time and it was great meeting Rocky finally and everyone else who joined the trip. BIG THANK YOU to Dave and the RFA for putting this together, and to Capt. Ron and his crew for their efforts. Hope everyone enjoyed the Sloppy Joe's, they really are tasty sandwiches! How fluking has changed over the years. If I didn't know better based on the number of rods on board I would have thought this was an offshore canyon trip!

Larry Happy Birthday my friend, hope you made it through the concert. I would have been sleeping in my car in the parking lot!

06-30-2019, 07:58 AM
Thanks To Capt. Ron and crew ( Joey and Tyler) for hosting the trip and they run a first class and very clean boat , top notch all the way from the bathrooms to the deck , Ron you work very hard and cant thank you enough for your efforts in less then favorable conditions and WOW did it get hot

Dave thank you for all you do and the effort you put in year round for our right to fish

The Fishing gods were smiling down on Dave today - Boo-yah Dollar Dollar first keeper yo, Holy Snchnikees , I couldnt believe it , he actually caught a fish and it was the first keeper, even a blind squirrel finds a nut - :p. I told him to pull a Castanza and got out on top. Dave whats with all the food and water ? and amazingly enough it didn't rain

Larry also had a banner day and kept catching flukies all day long and i believe only lost a couple of jigs , can your birthday get any better than that ? Maybe Jr buying you a beer at the Phish show?

Glen Fin Reaper was another one who proved me wrong , he can catch more than a hefty bag landing a nice keeper plus multiple shorties

My boy ALS- Mako fished hard with the Wacky Quaky dragging and trolling and caught all day long , the only keeper he had all day was me - Oh My

Tom the sandwiches were great and thank you again for all you do with presenting the information/data in a way that even I can understand

As for myself well the drift was not the best with very little wind , used 1.5 and 2 oz spro's all day long with Chartuese , Nuclear Chicken, White and New Penny Shrimpies with spearing, they loved the spearing today and wound up squeaking out 1 keeper.Yes Dave you were right again I just dont STFU and did you notice not to many people fish by me and we had the whole stern to ourselves. Even when Larry gets on board and asks me were are you fishing and always goes the opposite way to find Glen , cant blame em either, I would too - :eek:

Till next year

Be Well , Be Safe and Fish On


Geat day , Great trip with laffs all day long which is what its all about

Fin Reaper
06-30-2019, 08:04 AM

Naaaa Georgie, Larry loves you it’s just like this....you go to see your favorite band but you don’t want to stand in front of the speakers. You get better with a little distance:D

ALS Mako
06-30-2019, 08:45 AM
great trip as always. capt and crew were top notch. thanks again ron for all that you do. the cast of characters on this trip, how could you not have a good time! the fishing was good but the catching could have been better. i think my ears are still ringing from george. i didn't catch any keepers but won a raffle prize:). thanks dave and the rfa in all that you do, and trying to keep the fishing public fishing

06-30-2019, 03:59 PM
Good times had by all! Chase caught a couple fish! All shorts and a Skate. I had shorts pounding my jigs here and there but just missed the keeper mark. That’s how it goes sometimes. Cap’n Ron and crew worked hard for us as they always do. We were all over the place looking for the good bite but the consistent lack of drift made things difficult. One of the years we’re all gona limit out on this trip. Haha! Maybe!?!? Huge thanks to Dave for putting this all together! You are the man! Getting things like this organized can be a real pain. Thank you again! I’m in for the next one for sure! TIGHT LINEZ!!!:D

P.S. Tom, Dakota!!! Thanks for putting a smile on Chases face! That was awesome of you!!!:)

06-30-2019, 04:58 PM
Eddie my pleasure. It's good to see someone bringing youth into the sport, spending time together as a family and teaching them the right values along the way. Chase stood at the rail under difficult conditions on a scorcher of a day weather wise like a trooper. You should be very proud of him as I'm sure he's very proud of you. Good kid and memories which will last a lifetime.

Dave sign me up for next year too, probably my entire party as well and we might be able to get a half dozen more so please keep the tradition going. Would never have been possible without yours and Ron's efforts. THANKS AGAIN!

shrimpman steve
06-30-2019, 11:01 PM
Boy do I miss those trips. Great job Dave! Capt Ron and crew are always first rate

Gerry Zagorski
07-01-2019, 11:36 AM
Sorry I couldn't make this one but Mom's birthday party trumps everything..

Dave says to me, why don't you bring her on this trip :D

07-01-2019, 05:50 PM
Day-of-the-year for me spent with my NJF buds and kids. To quote Phish : " Can't I live while I'm young ! ? "

07-02-2019, 08:33 AM
Can not say enough about all you guys that come out year after year and actually PROVE you give a damn about our fisheries instead of just talking or typing about it. Took a shot sailing lite and paying some spots ahead of time but you know what Karma does happen as a few showed up dockside and as I run the numbers we raised a bit of cash to get more studies to peer review and a slot fish fight. Not enough for my other agendas for vets, kids, etc but will take it

Same obviously with Capt Ron and Crew who ALWAYS deliver a a great trip. Left early and got back late . Steamed everywhere. Mates Joe and Tyler took very good care of us. To PROVE their dedication to the cause Capt Ron gave me a $200.00 personal check and Joe donated $50.00 of his hard earned cash to the cause. Dont see that everyday.

Also a huge THANKS to NJ fishing Sponsors: Raffle Prize Pics attached:
Eyes on First Ave Jamie $50.00 Gift Certificate won by Jeff Criswell (NEVER Missed an RFA Trip)
Fluke U2 / Jeff Saltlife FOMF Jigs won by our own ALS MAKO
Kevin Bogan 50% discount on a $190.00 Custom Rod won by our own Glenn Fin Reaper
Larry Hart donated 2 Lamiglass rods won by Artie Jar Head and Jimmy Walker
Folsom Tackle Nick Cicero donated a beautiful Tsunami Reel won by Ryan Smith.
Down Deep Bull donated 1 open boat trip won by John Muha

Great day, enough shorts and keepers to keep the rods bent for most everyone. Look forward to doing another one possibly in the fall but definitely next year.

07-02-2019, 03:07 PM
Sorry for the late report dale. It was another good trip with a great group of guys.. I fished hard saturday dragging large bait trying to win the pool with no takers but, winning the 50/50 made up for that. :D
I talked a little to dale and dakota about the fishing issues and I am glad they are on our side. Thank you guys for all your efforts.

Dale here are a couple of pics from the raffle winners that I took on my phone buddy.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/62638787_10215072953763475_4465294261461450752_n.j pg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_oc=AQnPVCmpv3ctxeZRtBTIyyyZRwntUjhkk-VRfzAXdcylmawA45CqZ-rbbrhsuuDUFcNhYCb_nDfP-bt4af7-p5eP&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=008545056eab1e9b19f60d83ff3086f0&oe=5D7B77EE

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/66154412_10215072954203486_2663132886072295424_n.j pg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_oc=AQnHaAWc_xw8jsz1WeFVQzobI3_ZJXh6FT34jcHfqMC LyZ91l79ms_pR3Odcnm80sWDgQU9_-i_VEZXo8e3DRrr7&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=cb14498e99d0cc633135e01998830e8e&oe=5D7E88C7