View Full Version : Spinning Rods for Tuna

Kevin Bogan
06-29-2019, 12:01 AM
Popularity for catching tuna on spinning rods is through the roof. We are building the best possible spinning rods for BIG STRONG FISH:

Several blank options in 20-50, 30-80, and 40-100lb line class (POWER)
Alps machined aluminum reel seats or Winthrop Epic Butts (NO PLASTIC)
50mm gathering guides (40mm GUIDES BELONG ON STRIPER RODS)

We can build them any length out to 8’ and customize the wraps, boat name, and fish decals to your order.

Priced from $265 to $455 depending on options.

We also have several in stock priced from $265 - $375. READY TO FISH.

For more details go to http://kevinbogans.com/big_game_spin.php

Call us with any questions or to order.

Mushin Sportfishing
06-29-2019, 11:07 AM
I have been using spinning gear to pop, jig, and CHUNK for tuna since the late 1980s, using a rod based on the design by Kevin Bogan. This 8 foot rod tosses tuna poppers like MADD Mantis and Shimano ORCAs further than any other rod I’ve ever seen (even those 3 times the price tag!), and can easily subdue 80 to 100 pound yellowfin, 150 pound Bluefin, and has even landed Bigeye!

One area I think that spinning gear is underutilized is in Chunking for tuna. A lot of times it helps to use spinning gear to toss your chunk bait further out into the chunk/chum line, letting the bait fall more naturally with an open bail of a spinning reel. Especially in daytime chunking when you have to drop to 30-40 pound fluoro leaders, I think spinning gear has a decided advantage!

We have been pairing Kevin’s tuna spinning / popping rods with SHIMANO STELLA 18000SW and PowerPro V2 in 65# for great results!



Kevin Bogan
07-02-2019, 11:07 PM
Thanks, Alan! Feedback from guys with lots of experience is what helps us do our best. The advantage of building custom rods is that we can tailor a rod based on what we know, what experienced anglers are telling us, and what the customer is asking for.

Mushin Sportfishing
08-07-2019, 08:13 PM
This is what it looks like!
Dorsha fighting a 100+ pound BFT with Kevin Bogan 8’ TUNA SPINNING/POPPING ROD, Shimano Stella 18000SW, 65 pound PowerPro V2!
The fish LOST, the angler whooped the fish!

Kevin Bogan
09-19-2019, 11:05 AM
First break in the weather, there might be some opportunities to get back out and catch a few!:):cool:;)