06-28-2019, 04:41 PM
I normally do not post much unless I feel it is something that has a positive message that may help someone out in some way. Post is worth the read.
Not looking for any accolades personally here as I am just grateful that I am fortunate enough to pay it forward. The true heroes her are people like John and families that deal with these challenges on a daily basis and still find away to stay positive and move forward
About 2 months ago I had the opportunity to participate in a walk for the MS Society. My good friend Kelly has brother John that I have known for a long time that has been in a wheel chair dealing with this disease for what must be half his life or more. As I am pushing him along the trail he starts asking a bunch of questions about fishing as he has passion for it as many of us do. Do to his circumstance and having limited mobility and being in wheel chair he has some major challenges on what he can fish for and where, as it would be very difficult to get him on a boat. Many have promised him but no one has been able to make it happen. The word Can’t does not exist in my vocabulary so I made it my mission to make this happen. I love a challenge. After many phone calls and reasons why many boats could not accommodate I reached out to one of my best friends Stephan Rhodes from the Legacy to ask for suggestions on how I can make this happen for John and his caregiver as Steve has taken out vets from the wounded warriors on his boat before and is a master of problem solving as he also has a no quit attitude. After explaining all the variables involved we put a plan together. This past Wednesday we put plan together and made it happen.
I have fished for many species and have fished all over the world with some incredible catches but can honestly say this ranks as one of the best fishing experiences I have ever had even though a barely got to reel in a fish.
Enclosed is Johns Response to trip:
I can only thank you so much. You made my day, my summer, my everything. I do apologize that my condition is not too good for me on the heat but it was all worth it. Just thank God my voice and vision came back to normal. But otherwise a great day and thank you and Steve so much.
I have not met many people like you. You are unique and very giving.
Unfortunately: I have been given numerous promises over the years that resulted in nothing.
Talk is cheap, and you told me you were going to do exactly what you did. You are a real man
I respect you so much for standing by your word
I will never forget it. Thank you so much
Here is my response back to him:
I am just as thankful for having a friend like you and Marcella in my life. Yesterday’s trip was as much for me, Steve and his sons as it was for you. I have figured out that my Purpose is making a difference in the quality of life of the people’s lives that I touch in anyway possible. It is when I feel best about myself, when I do something for others without expecting anything in return. One of my favorite quotes is:
“ The true test of a Man is how he treats those who can do nothing for him”
Even though I do not expect nothing. Your comments to me today made it all worth it as I am just as happy now as if I caught a 20 lb Blackfish which is one of my Dream/Goals.
I know how important Marcella is to you as well so seeing her so Happy was just icing on the cake
She is an Amazing person.
Sometimes in life we are handed what seems to be a not so fair deal. I will never understand why God allows bad things to happen to good people. You may not know it but you inspire me and others not to take things for granted and to make the best of whatever hand we are dealt. I always say we learn more from Adversity vs. when everything is going well. If Adversity builds character you my friend are Overflowing with it.
Thank you so much for letting both Steve and I be part of a day that we will never forget. We are truly blessed. Allot of life lessons were learned today that made all on board today better people because of this experience.
I can not wait to see what our next adventure will bring.
I am thinking to try to do something like this on a bigger level so more people with handicaps can experience the feeling we get when we go fishing. If anyone has some suggestions please reach out to me as I would like to do something like this more frequently but at a bigger level on a party boat and turn it into a yearly event.
Not looking for any accolades personally here as I am just grateful that I am fortunate enough to pay it forward. The true heroes her are people like John and families that deal with these challenges on a daily basis and still find away to stay positive and move forward
About 2 months ago I had the opportunity to participate in a walk for the MS Society. My good friend Kelly has brother John that I have known for a long time that has been in a wheel chair dealing with this disease for what must be half his life or more. As I am pushing him along the trail he starts asking a bunch of questions about fishing as he has passion for it as many of us do. Do to his circumstance and having limited mobility and being in wheel chair he has some major challenges on what he can fish for and where, as it would be very difficult to get him on a boat. Many have promised him but no one has been able to make it happen. The word Can’t does not exist in my vocabulary so I made it my mission to make this happen. I love a challenge. After many phone calls and reasons why many boats could not accommodate I reached out to one of my best friends Stephan Rhodes from the Legacy to ask for suggestions on how I can make this happen for John and his caregiver as Steve has taken out vets from the wounded warriors on his boat before and is a master of problem solving as he also has a no quit attitude. After explaining all the variables involved we put a plan together. This past Wednesday we put plan together and made it happen.
I have fished for many species and have fished all over the world with some incredible catches but can honestly say this ranks as one of the best fishing experiences I have ever had even though a barely got to reel in a fish.
Enclosed is Johns Response to trip:
I can only thank you so much. You made my day, my summer, my everything. I do apologize that my condition is not too good for me on the heat but it was all worth it. Just thank God my voice and vision came back to normal. But otherwise a great day and thank you and Steve so much.
I have not met many people like you. You are unique and very giving.
Unfortunately: I have been given numerous promises over the years that resulted in nothing.
Talk is cheap, and you told me you were going to do exactly what you did. You are a real man
I respect you so much for standing by your word
I will never forget it. Thank you so much
Here is my response back to him:
I am just as thankful for having a friend like you and Marcella in my life. Yesterday’s trip was as much for me, Steve and his sons as it was for you. I have figured out that my Purpose is making a difference in the quality of life of the people’s lives that I touch in anyway possible. It is when I feel best about myself, when I do something for others without expecting anything in return. One of my favorite quotes is:
“ The true test of a Man is how he treats those who can do nothing for him”
Even though I do not expect nothing. Your comments to me today made it all worth it as I am just as happy now as if I caught a 20 lb Blackfish which is one of my Dream/Goals.
I know how important Marcella is to you as well so seeing her so Happy was just icing on the cake
She is an Amazing person.
Sometimes in life we are handed what seems to be a not so fair deal. I will never understand why God allows bad things to happen to good people. You may not know it but you inspire me and others not to take things for granted and to make the best of whatever hand we are dealt. I always say we learn more from Adversity vs. when everything is going well. If Adversity builds character you my friend are Overflowing with it.
Thank you so much for letting both Steve and I be part of a day that we will never forget. We are truly blessed. Allot of life lessons were learned today that made all on board today better people because of this experience.
I can not wait to see what our next adventure will bring.
I am thinking to try to do something like this on a bigger level so more people with handicaps can experience the feeling we get when we go fishing. If anyone has some suggestions please reach out to me as I would like to do something like this more frequently but at a bigger level on a party boat and turn it into a yearly event.