View Full Version : Sea Bass & Ling Excellent Fishing Today - Big Jamaica

06-21-2019, 07:51 PM

Today's fishing was one of the best of the season. Everyone had buckets and coolers full of fish.
It Looks great for the weekend! We should have good fishing on Saturday, Saturday night, and Sunday.
There are plenty of ling biting and also seabass and some flounder and an occasional cod. We even had some mackerel today for the few that wanted to jig for them.
The pool winner was:
Marcus Sciulli from Clementine NJ with a 4.5lb ling.

The Jamaica is scheduled to sail for Sea Bass and Ling Saturday at 7:30AM - 3:30PM
1/2 Night Ling Saturday 7:30PM - 1AM
Sunday we will be fishing for Flounder, ling, and cod 3/4 day from 7:30AM - 2:30PM.
3/4 Day for Fluke will begin Tuesday June 25.
Starting the end of the month we will also sail in the afternoon from 4;30pm - 8:30 for Fluke & Sea Bass

1/2 Night Ling
Saturday night we have a half night ling trips sailing from 7:30PM until 1AM.
Fishing was very good on the 1/2 night ling trip Saturday 6/15. Everyone that fished had a good catch of ling.
We will be sailing again at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday night

Our next tile fishing trips are scheduled for 10:00PM departures on June 23rd and June 30th.
Our last trip was excellent with many good size tile fish.

Family Fun afternoon trips and Fishing and Fireworks trips will begin the end of June leaving 4:30PM - 8:30

For reservations and information call 732-528-5014