Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-21-2019, 06:56 PM
Despite bad weather , and rough seas, we had a decent day. We had Rich Mcgee who usually charters the boat with his Stevens university fishing Club , but today he brought his church group, it got windy , and rough I guess God was looking out for his church members because none of them got seasick instead they tufted out , and managed to put together a pretty good catch of fish. We will be switching over to just bottom Io Fish starting Sunday ling, winter flounder, cod fish, and whiting There seems to of been an abundance of ling , and winter flounder, and on the right days a few cod, and a sprinkling of whiting that in itself without the sea bass gives you a whopping big bag of fillets to take home. Take a look at our Open Boat page for availability call for information and reservations We also have prime charter dates available throughout the season hope to see you soon thanks RAY