View Full Version : Use it it’s there for a reason !

Capt. Lou
06-11-2019, 04:12 PM
Several times I e witnessed a trout fishermen hook a big trout and proceed to lose same!
One guy was trying to bring net to trout with too much line out ! Learn to bring fish to you , you can’t chase a big fish with too much line out !
Close quarters landing a big fish with light tackle don’t rely on your drag unless it’s very smooth and starts up easily ! Easier way is to use the anti reverse just reel backwards let fish run ! All the awhile keeping rod side angled not vertical!
Don’t rush it if your in fast water it right spot try to follow fish if water DS is more manageable ! Lead the fish with side pressure do not attempt to bring big fish to you , beach them below you if possible !
Always keep rod side angled if your a light line / rod angler , side pressure uses the whole rod, let the rod do it’s thing and tire fish by full flex in taper !
Get used to using lures , specific ones will out fish bait 10-1 on most days !
Fished correctly there is no equal for consistency in hooking up with big trout !