Black Hawk Fishing
06-07-2019, 08:38 PM
Black Hawk report:
Last night's bass trip was an improvement from the previous one. We still had some shorts to pick through but the quality definitely went up. It's still not the action like we have seen in the past but it is a solid sign of things to come. We have added trips for next week, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, so grab your spot before they fill up.
Today was another great day of porgy fishing aboard the Black Hawk! We had a steady pick all day long on today's private charter and everyone went home with full coolers of beautiful scup fillets! We had a few nice sea bass in the mix as well- all of which were released unharmed. And for an added bonus we made a little stop to check out the seals.
We are heading right back out tomorrow and Sunday morning at 6am for more spring porgy action in Cherry Harbor! Don't miss out on the action! See you at the dock! Bring your lunch and catch your dinner! (860) 448-3662
Last night's bass trip was an improvement from the previous one. We still had some shorts to pick through but the quality definitely went up. It's still not the action like we have seen in the past but it is a solid sign of things to come. We have added trips for next week, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, so grab your spot before they fill up.
Today was another great day of porgy fishing aboard the Black Hawk! We had a steady pick all day long on today's private charter and everyone went home with full coolers of beautiful scup fillets! We had a few nice sea bass in the mix as well- all of which were released unharmed. And for an added bonus we made a little stop to check out the seals.
We are heading right back out tomorrow and Sunday morning at 6am for more spring porgy action in Cherry Harbor! Don't miss out on the action! See you at the dock! Bring your lunch and catch your dinner! (860) 448-3662