View Full Version : GAMBLER— 1/2 fluke trips and Night fishing

06-05-2019, 06:03 PM
The Gambler has been catching some fluke, sea bass and ling on our fluke drifts. The action has been slow. But we are catching a few keepers every trip and the sea bass and ling help put some fish in the coolers and buckets. Red jeep Mike was out with us this morning and landed two keepers and had another 4 or 5 throw-backs, plus a couple sea bass and a ling.

Yesterday Ryan Kroh caught an 8 lber, biggest fluke of the season so far.

Our night trips were good this past week. The wreck trip produced a good catch of ling, small to large. We also caught a few sea bass and even a few whiting. Anyone who wanted to catch squid did quite well with those, too.

On Saturday night we had a combo of 3 to 8 lb blues along with a few ling and sea bass.

This weekend looks nice. Join us if you can

06-05-2019, 06:17 PM
Nice to see a report Capt Bob. Best of luck this season and hope to see you soon!