View Full Version : MUSHIN - Cape May Safari and Arrival - Tuna, Makos, Tiles, Sea Bass, Ling

Mushin Sportfishing
06-02-2019, 07:00 AM
5/31-6/1 - Cape May Safari - we left Manasquan on 5/31 morning and arrived in Cape May on 6/1 after stopping for Sea Bass and Ling, trolling and popping for our limit of Unders and Over Bluefin and releasing more, releasing 3 undersized Makos overnight, trolling small tunas offshore, and boating our limit of Blueline Tiles and added some Golden Tiles. We will be fishing out of Cape May for June and July, and look forward to more successful trips! Call/text Capt. Alan 609-731-3742 for availability.134134






Andreas Toy
06-02-2019, 04:41 PM
Sick mixed bag

Kevin Bogan
06-03-2019, 01:18 AM
You guys didn’t waste any time getting started! What fish is your focus right now?

Mushin Sportfishing
06-03-2019, 11:11 AM
Thanks Freddy and Kevin! It was a fun start to what promises to be another great season.
Cape May/Southern Canyon trips offer an early start to fish the canyons for all the Tunas, Makos, both kinds of Tilefish in relatively shallow water, and then Mahi and Marlin start showing in force.