View Full Version : Mad gaffer sea bass report Saturday 6/1

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-01-2019, 03:19 PM
Saturday 6/1, We had a fantastic day today again, the biggest kind of sea bass, ( A full boat limit ) ling, whiting ,and winter flounder. The weather was beautiful the sea conditions were beautiful , and the people on the boat were exceptionally nice. We had Carl Rizzo , on the boat today he brought his daughter seven-year-old Sophia who caught her limit , and some big fish As well, she also said she had a unicorn on for a little while, but she said a mermaid came and took it off, sounds like a fishtail to me. carl also had his mother On the boat Arlene Rizzo , Arlene just got over a bout of cancer, and is currently Receiving Chimo treatments, she fish for a little while , and caught a few fish, then apologize to me , she said she had to lie down she was really tired, she slept for a couple of hours , and then Got up went right back to the rail , and kicked it in the butt. She did about 1/10 of the complaining that big he-man when they feel pre-queasy do , you know the kind that don’t tell you they are not sick , they tell you they had too much to drink the night before or, didn’t get enough sleep or, had food poisoning from the breakfast that they ate you know the ones, Arlene just went right back to the rail , and started fishing again some people are just tuff , And don’t complain. I hadn’t seen her since she was ill , And when she showed up this morning she looks just as fit and as pretty as the last time I saw her. I expect to see her back many many many times. We have plenty of room through the week we will be running open all next week check or Open Boat page both here and on Facebook pictures to be posted later both your ad on Facebook call for information and reservations PS we still have plenty of prime Charter dates still available throughout the year hope to see you soon thanks. RAY

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-01-2019, 03:22 PM