View Full Version : Andreas Toy Mixed Bag with Joe McGinn and Family

Andreas Toy
06-01-2019, 08:18 AM
Had Joe out with daughter Joanna and grandsons Andrew and
Zack. Plan was to seabass got set up and ripping current and tons
Of flies pestering us. Kids were miserable as was I and we heard
Tuna conversations on the radio. Told Joe with the flat conditions
We could get to the grounds in half an hour and the kids would be treated
To Nat Geo/Blu Planet stuff to witness, he agreed and we were off.
Got there and saw whales feeding, dolphin, turtles, sunfish, and tuna
Pushing in all directions. Put in the spread and got covered in Albies
The entire time, entire family had a blast after a few hours they had
Enough and we went home. Never in my career did I have a better
Time without putting a Tuna in the boat!

06-01-2019, 10:24 AM
Oooooooooo...shark bait! Way to make lemonade capt. Gotta love the smiles.