View Full Version : Bucket list trip suggestions

Grateful Dad
05-29-2019, 08:45 AM
This one should be fun... As I complete my 60th trip around the sun, my family went big and gave me a fishing trip for my birthday. I get to name the time, place, species, etc., anywhere that I want to go. The trip of a lifetime.
I'm leaning a little towards rig fishing out of Venice, LA., or maybe a halibut/lingcod trip out of Homer, AK.
Anybody out there have any suggestions?

05-29-2019, 09:47 AM
I'd vote halibut that's my goal for next year. Beats floating around Raritan Bay

05-29-2019, 10:30 AM
Try big game fishing out of Panama. I believe the place is Roy Zancudo lodge or Guatamala. Maybe even somewhere out of Florida. Hawks Cay Resort

05-29-2019, 10:30 AM
This one should be fun... As I complete my 60th trip around the sun, my family went big and gave me a fishing trip for my birthday. I get to name the time, place, species, etc., anywhere that I want to go. The trip of a lifetime.
I'm leaning a little towards rig fishing out of Venice, LA., or maybe a halibut/lingcod trip out of Homer, AK.
Anybody out there have any suggestions?
I think Alaska is a no brainer. Halibut, massive lingcod, rockfish, and maybe even work a day of salmon fishing in. They will process, freeze, and ship your catch to your house.

05-29-2019, 10:41 AM
Giant trevally in the Seychelles

Giant black marlin in Cairns, Australia

Peacock bass in the Amazon

Billfish super slam (pacific blue marlin, black marlin, striped marlin, pacific sailfish and/or a swordfish) in Cabo San Lucas

05-29-2019, 12:44 PM
Depends what you like more as far as bait fishing, lure fishing, relaxing, or casting a million times, etc.

If you like bait and wait fishing, i'd highly recommend trophy sturgeon fishing in the columbia river. I don't even like bait and wait fishing, but when you're targeting 8-11ft prehistoric fish in a river with fairly high hookup success (landing is a different story) it's worth it imo!

05-29-2019, 04:28 PM
3, 7 or 10+ day long trip on one of the party boats out of San Diego.

Capt Sal
05-29-2019, 05:43 PM
This one should be fun... As I complete my 60th trip around the sun, my family went big and gave me a fishing trip for my birthday. I get to name the time, place, species, etc., anywhere that I want to go. The trip of a lifetime.
I'm leaning a little towards rig fishing out of Venice, LA., or maybe a halibut/lingcod trip out of Homer, AK.
Anybody out there have any suggestions?

My youngest son who is a captain has his boat in Grand Isle LA.Mangrove snapper hughe,Red Snapper,Yellowfin tuna,Spotted sea trout, Sheepshead,King Mackeral and more.Grand Isle LA.Best fishing i have ever seen.Oil rigs easy fishing and reasonable prices.Try it and you will be hooked The Red Fish are hughe and the limit is five.Trout is twenty five,Mangrove is ten.

Gerry Zagorski
05-29-2019, 07:02 PM
Are you taking the family or just the guys?? Do you want secluded or some night life?

Cabo, Panama, Costa Rica would be my choice but need to know more about what you're into, what you want to target and what time of year....

05-29-2019, 07:53 PM
Without going completely extreme with a suggestion. Panama or Costa Rica would be my suggestion, west coast. The amount of species you can get between inshore and offshore is unreal. I have stayed at a bunch of lodges in both countries, feel free to dm me and I will give you what I know, think and things to look for.

05-30-2019, 12:07 AM
If i had that chance id head to Nova Scotia and go for some real giant bluefin tuna

05-30-2019, 06:21 AM
It is your bucket list, so go with what you want. Both trips you are thinking of sound good and reasonable.

Gerry Zagorski
05-30-2019, 07:39 AM
Venice LA is a probably one of the best overlooked fishing spots in the country, especially if you're after Yellowfin Tuna. I've never been but a few friends have and they said it was amazing and the fishing is often only an hour or so from the docks, sometimes even closer... They also have an amazing back water fishery for Redfish if your offshore plans happen get blown out.

It's my understanding that the accommodations are pretty basic and really not much going on there other than fishing...

05-30-2019, 08:22 AM
I vote Alaska always been a dream of mine to halibut fish there.

05-30-2019, 11:23 AM
Alaska or Andaman Islands for dogtooth, jobs and GTs. Bring a spare back LOL...

05-30-2019, 02:08 PM
One year ago today I left for a fishing trip in Venice, LA! It was an incredible time ( I posted pics on here). Yellowfin tuna and mahi day one, and huge red snapper day 2. The dates on the snapper are limited so do your homework in advance. Plus you are allowed to only keep 2, and the game wardens are super aggressive on boat searches.
Still you are 30-45 minutes out of Venice, fishing in incredibly deep water next to oil rigs. You don’t go to Venice for anything but fishing, as nothing else is going on. However you can combine it with a few days in New Orleans before or after for fun.
I highly recommend it. My Captain was really good. Send me a note if you want more details.

Home Depot George
05-31-2019, 01:03 AM
My bucket list trip is Norway for cod,pollock and halibuthttp://http://internationalfishingnews.blogspot.com/2011/11/norway-monster-80-lb-atlantic-cod.html

05-31-2019, 05:27 AM
Alaska- halibut , maybe Salman shark and any bottom critters ! Wherever you go please post some picks.

05-31-2019, 06:43 PM
Yakitut Alaska...That is my bucket list spot🐟🐟🐟

06-01-2019, 12:30 PM
Panama mothership, dual coast Costa Rica trip

06-02-2019, 08:25 AM
Salmon Seeker tour service just below Alaska in the Queen Charlotte Islands of Vancouver, BC. Fly to Seattle or Vancouver. Then the tour service takes over and does the rest. You fly from Vancouver in a float plane to the Islands (incredible sights) and land on the water (a life experience in itself). You live aboard a decommissioned coast guard vessel that they have converted into a floating fishing resort/home base. Each day you get a guide with a 23 ft Boston Whaler to do whatever fishing your heart desires. King salmon, coho, black bass, ling cod, rock cod and of course giant halibut. Many other species of bottom fish. See orca whales, sea lions, bald eagles etc. up close and personal in their natural habitat. Each night you go back to the mother ship and eat as a group and share your fishing stories from the day and plan what you want to try for the next day. All food and drink and guides and lodging is inclusive in price. Also - like stated earlier - all of your catch is cleaned, vacuum packed, flash frozen and boxed up with your name on it and flown back to your hotel in Vancouver. We caught a 142 lb halibut along with multiple king salmon and many other delicious species and we had about 6 crates of perfectly preserved fish waiting for us upon return.

There are not a lot of times in your life that you will fly that distance and do a bucket list trip - whereas Venice LA - although an incredible trip in its own right - is somewhat more easily accessible for a New Jersey angler on a typical fishing vacation. Time of year that I did my trip was July and up near Alaska it was light outside from 3am until 11pm - really cool experience.

Good luck with whatever you decide. I like this post because it's nice to hear about what incredible fishing trips others have been on and is giving me some ideas for future plans.

06-02-2019, 10:35 PM
have you ever hooked and caught a marauding 100+ lb. tarpon? incredible sport fish that will test your angling abilities to the limit. when it launches itself clear out of the water 15 feet in front of you your heart will stop! if you've never pursued them i would take a trip somewhere (like the florida keys) where you could hook the fish of a lifetime. and a fiberglass mount on your living room wall makes a great memory/conversation piece!

Andreas Toy
06-03-2019, 07:48 AM
This weekend heading down to Florida, to set up ultimate
Fishing trips. Will be at the Contender factory/headquarters to
See the boat build on my 44FA. Will be scouting out marinas in
Fort Lauderdale and the keys. Interviewing captains and developing
Relationships with Hotel owners in the Bahamas. To get a glimpse
Of what I have in my mind, check out my trip to Bahamas/Florida back
In January of this year. If you have any interest call me to discuss. First charter
Is slated for First week of December and will run until May.
Fly into Fort Lauderdale and fish the Bahamas. Species sought Saiflish/swordfish
While in Florida, wahoo/mahi while crossing Gulf Stream. Once in the Bahamas
Grouper, snapper, and countless other species. Bonefish on the flats.
Not to mentions spear fishing, snorkeling for dinner conch and lobster.

Grateful Dad
06-03-2019, 08:59 AM
Guys, thanks so much for all the suggestions! I got some new ideas that I had never even considered. When I decide on something, you'll be the first to see the reports and pics. I'm hoping for the trip of a lifetime!

Grateful Dad
06-05-2019, 08:49 AM
I think I have a winner! LOL

https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/local/sarasotacounty/passengers-captain-drank-beer-had-cocaine-and-fired-a-gun-during-nightmare-fishing-trip/67-fcf77ca0-cecb-4de8-8b50-3d6e8e5f6b3b?fbclid=IwAR3qFbTM6ggU_FAZ_igWLynwAgac OqwZrCdZ4o28LEiVRjrTmmUJCqWgZ4E

06-05-2019, 02:52 PM
Giving "bucket list" a whole new meaning.

06-05-2019, 03:02 PM
My youngest son who is a captain has his boat in Grand Isle LA.Mangrove snapper hughe,Red Snapper,Yellowfin tuna,Spotted sea trout, Sheepshead,King Mackeral and more.Grand Isle LA.Best fishing i have ever seen.Oil rigs easy fishing and reasonable prices.Try it and you will be hooked The Red Fish are hughe and the limit is five.Trout is twenty five,Mangrove is ten.

Which boat is his? There are a couple dozen at least.