Black Hawk Fishing
05-20-2019, 08:18 PM
EASY BOAT LIMIT OF PORGIES TODAY! From the drop of the anchor to the last cast of the day the SCUP were FLYING OVER THE RAILS. We did have a strong tide to contend with but once it broke the fishing picked right back up. Everyone went home with FULL COOLERS and BAGS FULL OF FILLETS! BEAUTIFUL WEATHER, EXCELLENT CATCHING-IT DOESN'T GET MUCH BETTER!
We are back at it on Wednesday sailing at 7am for Peconic Bay. Book your spot online now or purchase your ticket at the dock. Don't miss out on the red hot spring scup bite!
Don't forget about our SQUID TRIPS! We will be squid fishing on WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY nights at 6PM. Book your spot online now to join us!
Bring your lunch and catch your dinner! (860) 448-3662
We are back at it on Wednesday sailing at 7am for Peconic Bay. Book your spot online now or purchase your ticket at the dock. Don't miss out on the red hot spring scup bite!
Don't forget about our SQUID TRIPS! We will be squid fishing on WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY nights at 6PM. Book your spot online now to join us!
Bring your lunch and catch your dinner! (860) 448-3662