View Full Version : Mad gaffer sea bass report Sunday 5/19

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
05-19-2019, 10:47 AM
After a disappointing day on Saturday with striped bass fishing (We had chargers both morning , and afternoon we went back to raritan Bay ) we return to Shark River this morning thank God we are sea bass fishing. It is 1030 in the morning , and we are very close to being limited out with the biggest kind of sea bass. There are a few ling mixed in but we really haven’t gone far enough off shore to catch them , Which we may do if we achieve our full boat limit in the next half hour. We’ve been blessed with a great Sea bass season so far , And you owe it to yourself to take it vantage of it , while it lasts.9 We also caught and released today , a few fluke, which is a great sign We have open dates throughout the week check our Open Boat page both here and on Facebook call For Information reservations thanks Ray

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
05-19-2019, 05:14 PM




It is hard to post more than a few pictures but here are a couple check Facebook for more tonnage!