View Full Version : Don't be that guy Stop using Gaff and throwing back the fish almost dead!
05-07-2019, 12:39 AM
Is very frustrating watch people gaffing fish and throwing it back to the water almost dead or seriously hurt which eventually die please don't be that guy.
Capt. Debbie
05-07-2019, 10:38 AM
Preaching to the choir here.
05-07-2019, 04:30 PM
Seems to be a constant topic .
NJ has other wanton waste rules
Might be worth a call to Fish and Game.
Turning in boats numbers
05-07-2019, 06:12 PM
I've commented on this many times over the years with much discussed.
Now with today's technology and the fact that I have finally given up my flip phone to an I phone, I will certainly video any ass hole who does this. Full color, close up's, maybe even make a documentary!!:D Smile...:)
05-07-2019, 07:45 PM
Especially now people who catch these "trophy" bass now the reason they are that big is because they are the spawning females full of eggs I myself striper fish mostly every night or every other I have caughten tons of bass already since the last week of March and only kept 1 to eat for my family every other fish I have caught ranging from 15 to 25 pounds has successively been gafed in the lower jaw and released to swim away again from the original poster if you gaff a fish try to gaff it in the lower lip so you do no harm to let her swim away for another day
05-07-2019, 08:27 PM
Especially now people who catch these "trophy" bass now the reason they are that big is because they are the spawning females full of eggs I myself striper fish mostly every night or every other I have caughten tons of bass already since the last week of March and only kept 1 to eat for my family every other fish I have caught ranging from 15 to 25 pounds has successively been gafed in the lower jaw and released to swim away again from the original poster if you gaff a fish try to gaff it in the lower lip so you do no harm to let her swim away for another day
There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to need to lip gaff a bass..
released fish should not be harmed in any way.
put your hand in its mouth NOT a gaff.
shrimpman steve
05-07-2019, 08:52 PM
The big news here is Capt. Ron got rid of his flip phone:D
05-08-2019, 08:04 AM
Especially now people who catch these "trophy" bass now the reason they are that big is because they are the spawning females full of eggs I myself striper fish mostly every night or every other I have caughten tons of bass already since the last week of March and only kept 1 to eat for my family every other fish I have caught ranging from 15 to 25 pounds has successively been gafed in the lower jaw and released to swim away again from the original poster if you gaff a fish try to gaff it in the lower lip so you do no harm to let her swim away for another day
If you are going to "RELEASE" THE FISH, how about you DON'T GAFF HER AT ALL!
Capt. Lou
05-08-2019, 08:45 AM
Lip gaffing went out 30 years ago ! With all lip gripping devices a available no reason to ever lip gaff any fish period ! Swimming away fine with a hole in its jaw is a good release ??
05-08-2019, 01:38 PM
Lip gaffing is a better choice than gut, side or back, but I agree, NO gaff is the best bet.
I have caught a lot of fish over the years with basically no mouth left, even a few with no lower jaw at all, so fish can survive some very serious mouth wounds.. however, if I were going strictly catch and release with no intent on taking a fish home, I would never consider using a gaff on them anywhere.
Also, one could crush down the barbs of a few lures and simply not worry about them coming off, just enjoy the battle and if it it comes unpinned, big deal, it was going back home anyway.... Stripers these days are under intense pressure, and every single one thats going to be released must survive.. leave the gaff home, and seriously consider going without a barb if playing catch and release only... .... bob
Ice Cream Bill
05-08-2019, 01:58 PM
I striper fish 1-2x year but always practice catch and release especially with the big females. There’s an excellent article in this weeks Fisherman magazine on page 8 about striper bass release essentials by Capt. Nick. Those commenting in this feed about gaffing stripers should read it.
05-08-2019, 06:57 PM
There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to need to lip gaff a bass..
released fish should not be harmed in any way.
put your hand in its mouth NOT a gaff.
If I did own a boat I agree reach down and grab the fish by the mouth to get the hook out and let her swim away. Unfortunately I don't own a boat and depending on the change in water height due to the tides sometimes I have no other choice than to lip gaff a bass most fish I do lift and release but some are too heavy and have no other option... as for a boga grip again I say sometimes the tide is 7feet below the ground and it would be impossible to grab from that distance without falling into the water
05-08-2019, 07:46 PM
So just come clean and tell us the story instead of spoon feeding us. You gaff striped bass in the bottom lip because you fish off a bridge with a 7 foot tide change ???
05-09-2019, 07:20 AM
So just come clean and tell us the story instead of spoon feeding us. You gaff striped bass in the bottom lip because you fish off a bridge with a 7 foot tide change ???
Come on man fishing from any bridge in Monmouth county has been banned for at least 15 years don't try to insult me
05-10-2019, 10:03 AM
If you can't reach the fish they make these really cool things will long handles called nets........
bunker dunker
05-10-2019, 10:47 AM
and here we go!!!!!!
Capt. Debbie
05-10-2019, 11:02 AM
EXACTLY! You net them. Then your can carefully drop the striper at your feet. Then NAIL THEM LIKE YOU MEAN IT WITH THE GAFF!!!! LMAO
If you can't reach the fish they make these really cool things will long handles called nets........
05-10-2019, 09:26 PM
If you can't reach the fish they make these really cool things will long handles called nets........
I'll keep that in mind and I'll also let the other fisherman that also lip gaff their bass from this same spot that you mentioned this on this forum
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