View Full Version : Groovy baby !!!! We found our mojo in the fog

Blackfish Bobby
05-06-2019, 10:21 AM
Did the sleep in .... good breakfast and later morning departure again on Saturday. This time I did have Scotty partaking in the trip into the fog and some showers. Treated to a nice flat calm bay this trip. The sun busted out as did the fish in the early afternoon when most boats were done and gone.
Played around with some different tactics this trip and caught fish on all of them..... Scotty found his MOJO :eek: and caught three real nice fish. Nice ride in and treated to a sweet afternoon sipping a couple "coca cola's" at our Marina Tiki Bar. :D Had awesome Stripa Fish Tacos and Tekillya drinks for CINCO de MAYO !!!! MAS TEQUILA !!!! Thanks for the drinks Scotty !!!
Tight Lines To All....

Blackfish Bobby
05-07-2019, 01:31 PM
ROCKS FOR BAIT !!!! Forgot to share this pic.
Stripers were so darn hungry Saturday they were eating rocks.:eek:

One fish had two of these big stones in its gut...... When I felt them I thought they were clams much like he must have when he ate them.