05-02-2019, 02:39 PM
I dont want to preach and I usually just comment on posts and not start them but please, please do not gaff bluefish and then release them. They will die.
Believe it or not I see people doing this in the Manasquan River and Barnegate Bay. If you do see someone doing this please ask them nicely not to. Maybe explain that even though they may swim right away initially eventually they will die. These blues are awesome to catch and we are blessed to have them come inshore like they do. Gaffing a fish, taking a picture and then dumping it back in the water is a terrible thing to do.
I dont want to preach and I usually just comment on posts and not start them but please, please do not gaff bluefish and then release them. They will die.
Believe it or not I see people doing this in the Manasquan River and Barnegate Bay. If you do see someone doing this please ask them nicely not to. Maybe explain that even though they may swim right away initially eventually they will die. These blues are awesome to catch and we are blessed to have them come inshore like they do. Gaffing a fish, taking a picture and then dumping it back in the water is a terrible thing to do.